Anyone done/doing ChaLEAN Extreme?

MissGulla Posts: 11
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm loooving it so far. Almost done with week one but yesterday's burn intervals and ab burner were a killer that I LOVED. Can't wait to see what I'm looking like at the 30-60-90 day mark :) Anyone see great results from it?


  • What's the ChaLEAN Extreme?
  • wiseg2
    wiseg2 Posts: 210 Member
    I hope to do it soon.
  • MissGulla
    MissGulla Posts: 11
    Have you heard of P90X? ChaLean Extreme is sort of like that but geared for women. It's a 90 day program that incorporates heavy lifting and some cardio. It's intense but awesome and very very do-able!!
  • charbrowne
    charbrowne Posts: 16
    I completed Chalean Extreme and had AWESOME results with it. I absolutely love Chalean and her workouts. My avatar is actually halfway through the program. It leaned me out sooooo much - that and of course my diet. I'm doing Insanity right now but when I'm done I'll probably incorporate some Chalean with Turbo Fire when it comes out b/c I do miss the lifting component to my workouts.
  • unknownndoll
    unknownndoll Posts: 161 Member
    I just bought it. I just finished the 1st week of p90x and was slightly disappointed at the lack of lower body work. Its a great workout program, but after seeing that chaLEAN has the sets that do both lower body and upper body at the same time i think i'm gonna switch. My problem area is my lower body (legs) and p90 seems to focused on upper body. IMO.
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    I posted my results under success stories a few weeks ago. It is an amazing program and has changed my life. If anyone wants info on it, just send me a note. I'd be glad to chat about it.
  • glfprncs2
    glfprncs2 Posts: 625 Member
    I'm in month #3 of ChaLean Extreme and am really pleased with my results so far. I've already completed 3 rounds of P90X and a round of Insanity, so I was a little afraid that CLX would be too 'easy' after all that....WRONG! If you push yourself, lift as heavy as you can within the reps given, you WILL get results.
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    Yep! Sure have and love it! Can't wait for Turbo Fire!
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