80+ lbs. to lose, mother, office worker.

Looking for friends that have/had a similar lifestyle (sendentary at present, office 8 hours a day, young child, wanting to be able to become more active for him and myself).

Interested in weight training and running... I have completely let myself go due to some recent stressors and surgery. So, I am essentially starting from scratch. I've got kettle bells and barbells. I also want to increase flexibility as I used to be a dancer and would like to dance again soon.

I'm nerdy and a skeptic... Love science. Like eating/buying organic and as many non-gmo foods as are available in my area. My food issues are carb and portion control. I don't like sweets and don't drink sodas. I do though drink red bull. I currently smoke but am also trying to quit (zyban).

Looking for motivation and support.

Many thanks!


  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    Hi :) ill add you !
  • Mantrana
    Mantrana Posts: 3
    Awesome! Let the motivation commence!
  • treas18bailey
    treas18bailey Posts: 20 Member
    You can add me I'm on the same journey i have around 75 lbs to loose, i have just returned to work after maternity leave this month and at a desk I dont move around near as much as when i was home with baby. I try and stay active with the kids and now that its getting nice out ee can get outside more. I am always looking for more friends to encourage and support each other through this journey
  • nrosebr
    nrosebr Posts: 3 Member
    I could have written your story myself! I have 80 to lose, a mother to 2 young kids, office worker, working 12 hour days sometimes on a stressful project. I ran a half marathon early last year and haven't exercised since! Time to change my lifestyle.
  • I have 17 more pounds to lose...mind if I join? I need the extra push to get the oomph body I want!
  • I need a larger support network, add me! :D