Everyone else notices my weight loss but I dont?

I recently lost 22 pounds and it seems like everyone noticed and were shocked all at once, however I haven't noticed. I noticed my clothes getting smaller and Ive dropped like 2 pant sizes, but not on my actual body. When did you all start to notice. (i started at 198 and im now 176 if that is at all relevant)


  • Lady_Grell
    Lady_Grell Posts: 103 Member
    I'm actually in the same position as you. I've lost 25lbs, but I still the same, old fat girl when I look in the mirror. Old clothes are too big and I'm wearing things I hadn't worn in a while. Other people notice, but I still don't see it. I think that perhaps I'm just stuck in a fat mindset, so to speak. It's not that I don't look different, but I'm having trouble seeing it. Maybe the same is true for you as well. I look forward to the day that I glance in the mirror, and I see a smaller version of myself with my own eyes.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    You don't see the change as you see yourself everyday..... People who see you less regularly will notice. I found it massively beneficial to have someone take photos (in underwear, front, back and side) for comparison every month or so....when you see your pics side by side, you can't deny the physical changes! It makes it real.
  • pattywedge
    pattywedge Posts: 39 Member
    Taking Before and After Pictures help me to see how I have lost weight. I don't see it just looking in the mirror.
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    I've lost almost 2 stone and I still see the fat girl I was in the mirror. It's hard to get that vision out of your head but it can be done.

    Congrats on your loss so far!!!
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    I think measurements and before/after pics are the way to go. Since I lose weight proportionately my overall "shape" looks the same until I get much closer to goal. (My hips are still wide compared to my upper body, etc.) This definitely affects my perception of the weight I lose so I use other indicators.
  • pinkshoelaces
    pinkshoelaces Posts: 111 Member
    I've lost 80 pounds and I still don't really see it, honestly. I mean sometimes I'll notice it in the mirror, but for the most part it takes the brain awhile to catch up with your body when it comes to weight loss.
  • Susieq_1994
    Susieq_1994 Posts: 5,361 Member
    Sometimes you just don't, to be honest. You see the same person looking back at you in the mirror every day, and day to day changes just aren't visible when you're stuck with your body all day, every day. This is why progress pictures are EXTREMELY important.

    On the other hand, sometimes people will see it all at once after losing x number of pounds. For me, I didn't notice it much at all in myself this time around (read - at all), but here's a funny thing that confirms what I said above: As a very overweight teen, we moved into a house with NO mirrors for around four months or so. I didn't see myself AT ALL, and I lost about 30ish pounds while we lived there (We were dirt poor, living in a bad neighborhood, and didn't have a lot of food). When we moved to a new house and I had a bathroom mirror, I SHOCKED myself! "I look like THAT now?! Since when?!"
  • ChrisM8971
    ChrisM8971 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Our mind is a wonderful thing, it took me a long time to accept that I was obese and even now at 77 lbs gone I sometimes still struggle to accept the weight loss. I still grab for the XXL t-shirts before forcing myself to get the M instead. It takes time but self acceptance does come eventually :smile:
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    11ejm15 wrote: »
    I recently lost 22 pounds and it seems like everyone noticed and were shocked all at once, however I haven't noticed. I noticed my clothes getting smaller and Ive dropped like 2 pant sizes, but not on my actual body. When did you all start to notice. (i started at 198 and im now 176 if that is at all relevant)

    your head needs to catch up

    have you bought new trousers / jeans? - if not that can help
  • Matthew8348
    Matthew8348 Posts: 1 Member
    I understand this really well. I lost 84 several years ago I still thought I was overweight, I knew I wasn't obese but still felt fat. Because of health problems in my family I have since gained back those 84 pounds. I'm now working to lose them again though. However, I was looking back at my old photos of me when I was skinny and I looked like a walking skeleton! Seriously I was a bit too thin looking but at the time I didn't see it. I think having loose skin doesn't help though.
  • ArkMom35
    ArkMom35 Posts: 225 Member
    I think sometimes it's harder for us to see it.

    Congrats on the NSV! It's great when other people notice :)
  • fairy2b
    fairy2b Posts: 126 Member
    I totally understand! I lost 40lbs and still don't see it. This is why I take current pictures and compare them to old pictures. I still feel overweight and need a reminder that I've dropped weight! Comparing before and after is the reality check I need to change to my mind frame. One day it will stick and I'll stop trying on clothes that are way too big! This morning I got dressed in leggings and a tunic I used to wear all the time and I stepped out of the bedroom and my hunnie was like "Uhhhh, babe....that is WAY too big on you, you need to wear a belt or something." So, until we "see it" it's ok to rely on others to point it out!