Need to add 300 healthy calories. Ideas?

W_Stewart Posts: 237 Member
I'm going to increase my weight loss goal from 2 lbs/week to 1.5 lbs/week so need to find about 300 additional calories to eat. I already eat fairly healthy meals and enjoy a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack so wondering where and how to add it in? I'd like to do it with unprocessed foods like fruits, vegetables or nuts.

I am thinking of adding a glass of orange juice to my morning oatmeal, and keeping my mid-morning snack of yogurt. This would add about 100 calories.

I am full after eating my lunch sandwich and pretzels so not sure what to add here, if anything.

My mid-afternoon snack is usually a piece of fruit. I could eat a larger portion or I could possibly add in some nuts to graze on. Or another fruit?

I am usually full after dinner and trying to avoid "eating my remaining calories" in the evening. Part of me says I can go back to having a small evening baked good treat but this is my true weakness and hesitant to go there. Sometimes I have a single serve popcorn as a treat.

I'd like to front load my calories into the day and keep from having to eat something late to meet my net calorie goal. Any ideas?


  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    Your day seems carb-heavy. You might benefit from more protein and fat. Bigger servings of your proteins, beans, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, high-fat foods like nuts, nut butter, and avocado... Nut butters in particular are an easy way to increase your calories. Spread some on your sandwich or an apple, 200 calories right there.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    What flavor is your morning oatmeal? Might be good to sprinkle on some nuts.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Your day seems carb-heavy. You might benefit from more protein and fat. Bigger servings of your proteins, beans, milk, cheese, cottage cheese, high-fat foods like nuts, nut butter, and avocado... Nut butters in particular are an easy way to increase your calories. Spread some on your sandwich or an apple, 200 calories right there.

    I'd be interested to know your macros too (roughly), and agree that adding more protein and fat might be more beneficial for body composition than increasing carbs.

  • anlymc13
    anlymc13 Posts: 114 Member
  • W_Stewart
    W_Stewart Posts: 237 Member
    kristydi wrote: »
    What flavor is your morning oatmeal? Might be good to sprinkle on some nuts.

    I add a small amount of sugar and raisins. I'll try nuts but that just doesn't sound right! But I'll try it. Which nuts?

    As far as carbs, did you say that because of the OJ I was considering? And thinking using those calories for something else? I still would like some juice but could go with a smaller glass. Then add more proteins? I do like a little cheese. And pnut butter on my usual apple would be a treat in itself!

  • nancyjay__
    nancyjay__ Posts: 310 Member
    edited April 2015
    <3 Maybe a chocolate protein shake with peanut butter and tiny marshmallows. :#

    Since I read people saying you need more protein
  • Crickets are a great source of protein and they are low cal!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited April 2015
    wahoowad wrote: »
    kristydi wrote: »
    What flavor is your morning oatmeal? Might be good to sprinkle on some nuts.

    I add a small amount of sugar and raisins. I'll try nuts but that just doesn't sound right! But I'll try it. Which nuts?

    As far as carbs, did you say that because of the OJ I was considering? And thinking using those calories for something else? I still would like some juice but could go with a smaller glass. Then add more proteins? I do like a little cheese. And pnut butter on my usual apple would be a treat in itself!

    You eat oatmeal, sandwich and pretzels, fruit and yoghurt from what you've described, and suggested adding juice, and more fruit. There was also "baked goods" mentioned. All of these things would be carb heavy.

    I personally wouldn't waste my calories on juice that is practically nutritionally void (unless you're making it yourself) rather eat more food. You could add protein to your oatmeal with a protein powder, or some fat with nuts/nut butter - or both! Protein powder would add flavour and sweetness so you wouldn't need the sugar. Same with yoghurt at morning tea. More meat on your sandwich? Have a HB egg with afternoon tea? Perfect protein and fat snack!
  • crystalflame
    crystalflame Posts: 1,049 Member
    wahoowad wrote: »
    kristydi wrote: »
    What flavor is your morning oatmeal? Might be good to sprinkle on some nuts.

    I add a small amount of sugar and raisins. I'll try nuts but that just doesn't sound right! But I'll try it. Which nuts?

    As far as carbs, did you say that because of the OJ I was considering? And thinking using those calories for something else? I still would like some juice but could go with a smaller glass. Then add more proteins? I do like a little cheese. And pnut butter on my usual apple would be a treat in itself!

    Without seeing your diary I really don't know what you're eating, but you mentioned your usual day includes oatmeal, fruit, a sandwich (I assume with bread), and pretzels. Protein-wise you mentioned yogurt, and I'm guessing there's meat on the sandwich? That's a lot more carbs than anything else in the bulk of your day. What are your macros set to?

    Protein will help retain muscle mass (as will resistance training) while you lose weight, and fats keep your body functions (organs, hormones, etc) going properly. As long as you're getting enough of each, there's no problem filling the rest of your calories with oatmeal and juice and pretzels. Just try to hit your macros.
  • kristydi
    kristydi Posts: 781 Member
    wahoowad wrote: »
    kristydi wrote: »
    What flavor is your morning oatmeal? Might be good to sprinkle on some nuts.

    I add a small amount of sugar and raisins. I'll try nuts but that just doesn't sound right! But I'll try it. Which nuts?

    As far as carbs, did you say that because of the OJ I was considering? And thinking using those calories for something else? I still would like some juice but could go with a smaller glass. Then add more proteins? I do like a little cheese. And pnut butter on my usual apple would be a treat in itself!

    Personally I'd choose toasted pecans, but whatever kind of nut you like would be fine. You could also add an egg or 2 cooked however you like to your breakfast. That would add some protein and fat.
  • W_Stewart
    W_Stewart Posts: 237 Member
    Any particular nuts better (or worse) than others? I'm going to a health food store and pick up an assortment of nuts.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    wahoowad wrote: »
    Any particular nuts better (or worse) than others? I'm going to a health food store and pick up an assortment of nuts.

    Whatever nuts you prefer. As long as you make sure you eat enough protein, fat, and eating mostly nutritious foods, there is no reason you can't have a baked treat, add in more pretzels, or drink more juice. That is for you to really decide based on personal preference.

    Also, looking at your diary...was your previous goal 1210 calories? As a male you could be eating more than that and still losing at a decent rate.

  • kampshoff
    kampshoff Posts: 133 Member
    I like raw, unsalted walnuts in my oatmeal. Pecans are good, too, but IIRC the walnuts compared favorably in calories and protein per serving.
  • Leana088
    Leana088 Posts: 581 Member
    All nuts are great, full fat dairy, nut butters, avocado, and cook your meals with olive oil or any other oil you see as healthy. ;) a tablespoon of oil is 102 calories. I usually use it to make a wet rub for my chicken breasts.

    If sugar doesn't bother you, you can also eat dried fruit. If it does, just look for brands that don't have added sugar. Remember it will have more than usual, because the fruit's natural sugars get concentrated during the drying process.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    We crumble whole walnuts on top of our multi-grain "oatmeal" in the morning. Go easy, they are energy packed. Tastes great.

    Instead of sugar chuck a handful / 1/2 cup of whole frozen blueberries in your oatmeal... I warm mine up in the microwave a bit before dishing out the oatmeal. A spoonful of vanilla natural yogurt has some sugar in it if you still find it not to your taste.

    Our sugar container hardly ever gets opened except for baking.
  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    A 1/4 cup of whole almonds is another fav if I need to up my fat balance and/or put a few more calories into my day, plus they have iron, which I'm always on the hunt for as I'm a regular blood donor. Hazlenuts are cheaper these days and similar. It's a rare day when I don't have one serving of either of these.
  • HumboldtFred
    HumboldtFred Posts: 159 Member
    I often eat a hard boiled egg and light string cheese before bed to help me sleep straight through. 150 calories. Or maybe a half avocado smeared on half a toasted pita?
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    This is a really generic list of calorie dense foods that I keep around for those struggling to reach their calorie goals, but maybe you'll find some of the ideas here useful:
    full fat dairy
    Greek yogurt
    ice cream
    peanut butter (or other nut butters)
    dark chocolate
    less lean cuts of meat (including beef, pork, sausage, etc.)
    seeds (chia, flax, sunflower, etc.)
    olive oil
    coconut oil
    beans and lentils
    protein shakes, bars, and smoothies
    beef jerky
    full calorie condiments
    full calorie sauces & dressings
    sour cream
    whole grain pasta
    whole eggs
    fruit and fruit juices
    muffins (bran, blueberry, banana nut, etc.)
    potatoes (sweet, red, gold, purple, white, etc.)
    dried fruit (raisins, apricots, plums, dates, etc.)
  • DedRepublic
    DedRepublic Posts: 348 Member
    wahoowad wrote: »
    I'd like to front load my calories into the day and keep from having to eat something late to meet my net calorie goal. Any ideas?

    Just add a meal. 6 oz sweet potato and 8 oz fish ought to do it. Or back off the fish and potato and add a cup of veggies.