Net Calories are under but still not losing weight, Need help!



  • CatHunterFit
    CatHunterFit Posts: 194 Member
    Argghhh ignore my post - I missed the last page!
  • KatieJane83
    KatieJane83 Posts: 2,002 Member
    Why do u say, to sustain myself in a coma, I guess it's gone over my head

    Your body burns calories just supporting basic life-sustaining functions like breathing, your heart beating, other organs functioning properly, etc. So your BMR is the amount of calories your body burns each day simply by existing in a living state, doing absolutely nothing (hence the reference to a coma). If you add your BMR to all the other calories you burn during the day for normal activities like talking to people, going to work, walking around your house, cooking dinner, etc. that gets your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You lose weight the healthy way by eating at a deficit to your TDEE.
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Golf IS exercise if you walk the course and carry your clubs, otherwise if you ride around in an electric cart....not really good exercise (sorry). I use a polar hrm and only when doing aerobic exercise: running on a treadmill, bicycling, ellyptical, dance aerobics....for stretching and weight lifting, the burn is really low, ie a half hour of weight lifting may range from 80 calories to 130 calories. I will still log it but the good burn is from aerobic activity. Running 3 miles is about 300-400 calories. Not 800 or 1000.....again, sorry.

    Weight lifting is good for other reasons....and will help you lose weight. Mostly repairing the micro-tears when lifting weights increases the calorie demand and lessens calories being stored as fat.

    Invest in a good scale that weighs in grams, about 25-30 dollars. Weigh everything in grams and use package labels to help. Learn to see what a serving actually is. For me a bag of trail mix was not a serving, but 14 servings....what an eye opener. No wonder I gained weight. I eat a lot of apples and one of my favorites is honeycrisp and it weighs 330 grams. A large apple is supposed to be 150 grams. Once I weighed my apples, I learned a lot. I was underestimating my calories. Mfp has a beautiful data base, and members are always contributing.

    Also it is okay to eat out but minimalize it. If you can, pre-cooking your meals will really help you. Package in small bags or zip-locks. When you are hungry, it is already in the refrigerator---just reheat. Vegetables have little or next to little calories...Eat a few per day....really and they taste good also.

    Drink a lot of water...sometimes when you are hungry you are really thirsty. Sometimes when you need sleep, you want to eat... I work the night shift..and know that this is true.

    thanks for listening to our advice.
  • roycenichols
    roycenichols Posts: 12 Member
    It's perfectly normal to have weight fluctuations throughout the week, even day by day. It's important to weigh yourself in the same clothes and at the same time. The best time is in the morning. More important than numbers on the scale is the way you feel. Do you feel lighter? Do old clothes fit? Etc.. Stay true to a healthy diet and good exercise program.