Looking for healthy dinner meals? If you have a great meal please share

new to this healthy life style change and I am Having troubles around meals during dinner time. Any ideas are much appreciated. Thank you


  • likehlikeo
    likehlikeo Posts: 185 Member
    I eat this a lot (huge portion btw!): I put frozen broccoli (the more the better) in a non stick frying pan. I don't add any oil to save caories. Wait until broccoli is almost done, then add a block of Tofu (I prefer the smoked kind) and half a pound of tomatoes. Cook until the tomatoes are alomost done and add a few splashes of soy sauce and some pepper. I really LOVE this and it it is really healthy (from MPOV)
  • insideoutgirl
    insideoutgirl Posts: 45 Member
    I roast veggies a lot. I cut up cauliflower, broccoli, asparagus, sweet potatoes, and/or Brussel sprouts, pour a little oil oil or coconut oil over (or spray lightly), add salt and pepper, and throw into a hot (450f) oven until lightly charred. DELISH!! I just eat these on a salad with grilled or roasted meat (steak, chix, or pork).
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I'll have meat/fish, starch, and a vegetable, either separate or as a casserole/soup. I'll eat anything I want, just use portion control by entering into food diary.
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Roast,saute or bake protein ahead of time. Easy to reheat or use in salads,soup etc.Prep veggies,they are ready to roast,then eat as is or added to salads,quiche etc.Stir fry is fine,but do the prep the day or morn before.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    I usually base my meals around a protein source, add in some veggies, then some kind of carb as a side. Pretty much anything from skinnytaste.com is my go to
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    i like quick and easy, cheap too.

    All year round, we do a lot of boca burgers plus a salad, grilled cheese with a bowl of campbells tomato soup, baked potatoes with cottage cheese on top, stuff like that.

    In the summer we do a lot of sandwiches,chips, salad, and fruit for dessert.

    In the winter it is more crockpot soups, beans and rice, and things like that.
  • TheJHopkinsProject
    TheJHopkinsProject Posts: 28 Member
    Skinnymom.com!! I cook every meal from her website...Its delicious, and low calorie and TONS of options, and FREE!! There's also an option to join the Supper Club on there (which is also free), where once a month a menu is created for the entire month -and weekly they publish the shopping list that corresponds with that weeks meals. Takes the time and thinking out of planning dinner!! I swear by her site.
  • Spyer116
    Spyer116 Posts: 168 Member
    I can't cook or do anything in the kitchen. So my 'meals' are super limited.
    But you can do lots of simple no skill or experience required 'meals' with chicken.
    Toss chicken breast fillets into oven for 20-30 mins to cook. If you have garlic powder or paprika powder, cover them in that for some flavour.
    then just get jars of sliced or baby carrots, or tins or sweet corn or mushy peas, and microwave them for 1-2 mins.
    And boom. got yourself a healthy high protein dinner, with numerous vegetables.

    Or cook chicken the same again. slice and dice it into small pieces.
    Boil water, toss some pasta in, cook it.
    Then drain the water, mix the pasta/chicken together and a stir in pasta sauce. And boom, another healthy meal, full of protein, and if wholewheat pasta, then some 'healthy' carbs and extra fiber.

    BUt really, you could do chicken in so many ways and in so many meals, if you don't have any cooking experience/knowledge/skills like me. lol
  • PiSquared
    PiSquared Posts: 148 Member
    edited April 2015
    I made this fish dish last night and it was so good! Maybe a bit complicated/intimidating for a beginning cook, but I can do meals like this in my tiny apartment kitchen on a regular basis. I served it with brown basmati rice and a steamed vegetable medley (Birdseye broccoli, carrots, sugar snap peas, and water chestnuts for a vaguely Asian theme) dressed with sambal oelek and lime juice.
  • CandiceMcD
    CandiceMcD Posts: 115 Member
    Skinnymom.com!! I cook every meal from her website...Its delicious, and low calorie and TONS of options, and FREE!! There's also an option to join the Supper Club on there (which is also free), where once a month a menu is created for the entire month -and weekly they publish the shopping list that corresponds with that weeks meals. Takes the time and thinking out of planning dinner!! I swear by her site.

    OMG - I am not a mom, but I am going to use the crap out of this website! Thanks for posting!