Not losing

I don't get my body. I started really following the My fitness pal plan 2 weeks ago. My goal is to lose 2lbs per week, so my calories to eat each day is 1200. I have eaten slightly over that, but have burned a lot of calories by exercising. My misfit activity tracker does the conversion and I'm usually just under or just over. I am being accurate with the food I am putting in-I'm not underestimating. Maybe my metabolism is just crap.

I just wonder if the misfit tracker is over estimating how much I'm burning? Or maybe even though my calories are low enough, I'm eating too much fat? I don't know. It's frustrating. There are times I make no changes to my diet and I lose or gain, then there are times my weight just jumps up. No matter what, I think I should have lost more


  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Are you weighing your food? Are you using generic database entries?

    Consider opening your diary for specific help.
  • kristen6350
    kristen6350 Posts: 1,094 Member
    We'll need to know more specific information to help. Height, Current Weight, Goal Weight, Exercise routine? Do you weigh your solid foods or do you just eyeball portions?

    I'm assuming it's water weight and since weight loss isn't linear you won't lose 2lbs a week every week...but at the end, if you stay in that calorie range every day you will have lost an average of 2lbs/week.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    set your diary to public for specific advice

    read the stickies at the top for general
  • pylonic
    pylonic Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you for your replies. I made my profile public. Please note that the last 3 days are not normal. I was away for the weekend and had other people cooking for me, so I went a little off track.

    I am not measuring my food, I try to actually over-estimate what I eat because I know most of us under estimate. I guess now that I look at things I realize I have lost 3lbs in two weeks. I think it's just that over the past week, the scale seems to be jumping around a lot. My scale is really annoying me, because if I move it an inch it can make a difference of 2-3lbs sometimes-it's really frustrating and makes it difficult to know if I am losing or not. No matter what, I know I am exercising a heck of a lot more (I do 30-60 minutes of cardio on my stationary bike per day - which is is up from pretty much 0 activity). I am eating better. Way less sugary stuff (with the exception of the last couple of days). I am drinking lots of water, cutting down my caffeine consumption and eating more vegetables.

    My biggest problem when it comes to weight loss is hypoglycemia. I have to eat a lot in order to not have my blood sugar go low-when it gets low, I get shaky, headachey, weak and eventually pass out. So I am trying to find lower glycemic index snacks that are higher in protein, but those things tend to be higher in fats (like almonds and sunflower seeds). I am also lactose intolerant, can't eat seafood and soy, so that just makes it all harder. :-( I am trying to eat smaller meals throughout the day, increase salads, etc. I need to increase protein, but am struggling to find proteins to eat.

    I think I need to measure my food, increase my lean protein intake, and increase my vegetable intake. I also need to decrease my sugar and fat consumption. I just wish my blood sugar would balance out a little better and make it easier for me.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    edited April 2015
    Nothing wrong with fat. Measure your food to make sure you are staying in deficit. It's not what you are eating that is impeding weight loss, it's how much you are eating.

    Then again, 3 pounds in 2 weeks is great. Make sure your scale is level and don't move it between weigh ins. Patience!

    ETA: weigh, not measure your food.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    -Weight loss is not linear. If seeing it go up and down every day is upsetting you, you might want to cut down to only weighing in once a week.
    -With 20 pounds to lose according to your ticker, 2 pounds a week is going to be too aggressive of a goal for you. Change it to either .5 or 1 pound a week, and definitely stick to the .5 once you get to your final 10-15 pounds.
    -With a smaller deficit comes needing to be as accurate as possible in your logging. Purchase a food scale (measuring cups can be way off) and begin using it for your foods
  • cbhubbybubble
    cbhubbybubble Posts: 465 Member
    3 lbs in 2 weeks is plenty with only 20 to lose. I wouldn't fret too much about that. Only advice is to tighten up your weighing and logging.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I woud recommend getting a food scale and weighing all solid foods and as many liquids as possible…you will be surprised with the outcome..

    also, you probably should not be eating back 100% of calories burned as those estimates tend to be way off.

    I would suggest getting a food scale and only eating back 50% of calories burned….

    your problem is more than likely underestimating calories and over estimating calorie burns….

  • geotrice
    geotrice Posts: 274 Member
    It sounds like you just need more time. 2 to 3 weeks is not enough time to see your average loss from a good perspective. I've lost an average of 2 lbs a week over the last 5 months, and I can see the average lost in 2 or 3 month intervals. Still to this day, if I look at my loss over only a week, I'll see too much daily fluctuation. I'd recommend only weighing yourself once a week OR continue weighing everyday but just ignore the daily numbers until you get more data points.
    Continue getting fiber with your calories, hit your macros and stay at or under your calorie goal.
    Keep on keeping on.
  • ncboiler89
    ncboiler89 Posts: 2,408 Member
    pylonic wrote: »
    I am not measuring my food, I try to actually over-estimate what I eat because I know most of us under estimate. I guess now that I look at things I realize I have lost 3lbs in two weeks. I think it's just that over the past week, the scale seems to be jumping around a lot. My scale is really annoying me, because if I move it an inch it can make a difference of 2-3lbs sometimes-it's really frustrating and makes it difficult to know if I am losing or not. No matter what, I know I am exercising a heck of a lot more (I do 30-60 minutes of cardio on my stationary bike per day - which is is up from pretty much 0 activity). I am eating better. Way less sugary stuff (with the exception of the last couple of days). I am drinking lots of water, cutting down my caffeine consumption and eating more vegetables.

    You need to weigh your food and not estimate. You don't know if you are over estimating.

    Weight loss is going to fluctuate so one day the scale may you say are down a pound from the previous day and the next day it may say you are up a pound from the previous day. Get used to this and look for a long term (one month minimum) trend.