Need help getting started

I am needing a lot of encouragement to get myself started. I am looking to start small at 1 pound a week and at the end of my journey 95-100 pounds is my goal. I am 5 foot 3 inches tall, 27 years old. I have had weight issues since I was a teenager and now it is getting harder and harder to do things because I hurt so much so I want to get myself in shape and loose some weight. I am hoping to find people that are willing to support me and understand what I am going through. I am a single mom to a 13 year old dancer and I just wish I could do some of the things she can. It is so fun to watch and if I loose some weight it will be easier to take a ballet or tap class just for fun to understand what she is taking about. :)


  • taentea
    taentea Posts: 91 Member
    Hi and welcome. This board is full of supportive people and I hope you find all the encouragement you need and some more.

    But the thing is, I don't think you really need any. Even if no one notices you trying, even if the world wishes for you to fail, you still can do it. Because all the ingredients for success are there within you. You are not dependent on what the rest of the world thinks or does. You create your own present and future.

    And you don't need to be a hero. You don't need to gather courage and prepare for moving mountains. You just need to make a small change for the better today. And another one tomorrow. Like picking a healthier meal between the two you like. Or asking yourself if you really really want that cookie right now or it could wait until you actually crave it. Calorie tracking is a good idea too and it's easier than one would think. At least it was for me.

    I'm few years older than you and I have some more pounds to lose. I've been overweight all my life. So I can relate in a lot of ways. I've lost 55 pounds in a rapid way some years ago. It took a lot of motivation. I had it for a while. But such wins do not last usually. Mine didn't. I've started my latest journey 4 weeks ago. My motivation was at all time low due to health issues that kept my mood down and my movement limited. But I figured if I can find a way to move in the right direction when I have no strength at all, I can do it in the long term. I won't depend on motivation, encouragement, good weather and other outside factors any more. It seems to be working. My results vary so far but I know I will make it.

    So if you feel excited and ready to take on the whole world, use the momentum, enjoy good results but try to turn changes you make into habits before making new ones, so your results stick for good. If you feel you aren't ready, if you feel weak, afraid of the long road ahead and uncertain if you can make it, maybe it's a perfect moment to start. It means facing the enemy when you have the least to lose. Don't beat it. Find the ways around it. And you'll have a much safer path waiting for you.

    Either way good luck. A dancing class sounds like a wonderful reward for what I have no doubt you are going to achieve =)
  • silverffox16
    silverffox16 Posts: 4 Member
    Dear taenteal,

    What a beautiful post - so encouraging. Keep up the work, like you said, small changes make a huge difference in the end. Keep posting . . .
  • Leigh_b
    Leigh_b Posts: 560 Member
    welcome to MFP! You are in a good place to find advice and support. Feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • TheLegendaryBrandonHarris
    You're joined this website...that's a great step! You'll start learning new things, new ways of thinking, and you'll start reaching your's exciting!

    Do you know how to set and reach goals? This is crucial...
    Here is my own method in a nutshell:
    1. Set your Goal
    Goal: Lose 95-100 pounds of fat.

    2. Set MEASURABLE Objectives.
    If you meet your objectives regularly, you WILL meet your goal.
    Objective One:
    Log your intake. "I will use MyFitnessPal and I will honestly and accurately log everything I eat and drink every day."
    Objective Two:
    Lower your Calories. "I will set my MyFitnessPal daily calorie goals and meet them every day."
    Objective Three:
    Increase your exercise. "I will set daily exercise goals and meet them every day."

    3. Measure you Objectives.
    Every day, ask yourself, "Did I meet my objectives?" The answer will be Yes, or it will be No.

    4. Evaluate.
    If you are not meeting your Objectives, why not? What could you do better?
    If you are meeting your Objectives but not losing weight, what do you need to adjust? More exercise? Fewer calories? Are you missing something that's not getting properly logged?

    I hope this helps you. It has me. I've lost 50 pounds in 2015. And all I am doing is taking my Objectives seriously and answering them honestly at the end of each day. You can do it!

    I believe in you.
  • ThatCountryGal
    ThatCountryGal Posts: 24 Member
    Please feel free to add me :)