Having a regular eating schedule



  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    I think a regular eating pattern helps you train your body to deal with what you want to give it. It is similar to sleep. I wake at 4.45am every morning and go to bed between 9 and 10pm. After a few weeks hardship I have become used to it.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited April 2015
    Quantity matters, but quality is more important!

    It's much better for your body to have scheduled meals and snacks. Firstable, you control your system with that, which means you say when you're going to eat.

    Eating scheduled meals and snacks enable you to eat normally and not eat a lot at one time.
    You control better your insuline in your blood when you eat on the same time, which means, you control when you will collect more energy from your food to put into your body.

    Quality is more important, because to lose weight you need to enable your body to burn your fat inventories. If you keep eating the same things, but on less quantity, you are just collecting less energy and your body still won't burn your fat inventories.

    You need to eat better to enable your body burn that fat. ;)

    But i'd suggest one step at time. Which one fits better on your lifestyle now. I started scheduling my meals. After 2 or 3 months (which means when it became a habit), i started controlling the amount of calories and lost 5 kgs in 2 months, because of controlling quantity.

    Now, i'm wating as little as i can in every single meal (1500 calories per day) and i cannot eat less than that. The minimum amount is 1200 calories which is not enough for me.

    So, now i'm introducing more quality to my meals and snacks, more proteins, better carbs and better fat to enable my body to burn all the fat that i still have (i still need to lose 10 kgs).

    If you just worry about quantity, you'll never have a longterm solution.

    My advice: start to which one is easier for you and just introduce the next one after the first one turned to be completely natural for you. ;)

    One article about it: http://lifehacker.com/fitness-is-a-skill-not-a-talent-heres-how-to-develop-1651281013

    Set some rules for yourself, but not too hard at first or you'll lose motivation.
    It cannot be just a diet, it needs to be a habit change, a lifestyle change or someday it'll come back.
    This stuff is super personal, but it's also great to have some support. If there is a close friend that is doing the same, call him/her, discuss, ask, help each other.

    Always, introduce what you think it's the best for you. ;)

    The last one, at least for me it was the supper booster to start eating fruits and vegetables, Pact app.
    For me, i'm literally making money and having better habits, so it can boost your motivation somehow. ;)

    Good Luck! ;)

    The best research resource for scientific article: PubMed. ;)

    Eeeh I don’t know about the “research". The bolded parts confuse me greatly. Quantity matters for weight loss, as per CICO. How are you making money from eating fruit and vegetables? Also, providing a PubMed article reference for your claims would be great.

    I eat when I’m hungry, usually two big meals a day and a few snacks. The only time I eat when I’m not hungry is if it’s 8pm and haven’t hit at least 1200 calories for the day / haven’t met my protein macro goal. I don’t like the idea of eating on schedule, even though I end up eating at around the same times.
  • gpstreet
    gpstreet Posts: 184 Member
    I think snacks are defined as those small treats you have between your regular meals. I seem to have lots of snacks at irregular time. Sometimes just to tide me over before the next scheduled meal.