Hi everyone I'm looking to lose 90kg yes you read that right

so I stepped on my scales last night and got off shocked I've put on soo much weight this last year with medication changes and being unable to excersise due to a medical condition so tommorow I start my mission I aim to lose 90kg's I am a fussy eater so this will be interesting I eat not veg or salad and I have a condition that makes fruit make me put weight on :s does anyone else need to lose a similar amount of weight?


  • Xootneg
    Xootneg Posts: 5 Member
    Good on you for starting on the road back to health. When I first started I needed to lose a similar amount of about 150 pounds or 68 kg's. It took me about 1 year to go from over 300 pounds to 168 (I am a male). For me, the more I lost, the more motivated I became. So it became easier and easier for me the more weight I lost.

    I too have medical issues with a very bad back. So exercising was very difficult for me to do at first as well. As the weight melted off, I was able to walk more and more. Today I walk a mile a day, 5 days a week (2 - 1/2 mile walks per day). When I started I could only walk for a minutes or two only. So walking may become easier for you the more weight you lose as it was for me.

    I was not much of a vegetable eater. So I bought chocolate whey protein powder and put it in a blender with spinach with blueberries and either a banana or apple. For me it was absolutely delicious and VERY good for me. I use this drink for my lunch most every day. You might want to try it without the fruit. It's filling and low in calories.

    For me, it was extremely important to lose every last pound that I needed to lose. I feel people that do not go all the way to their perfect weight tend to put it all back on again and even more. I used this FACT for motivation as well.

    I wish you the greatest of success!!!!