Already reached my daily SUGAR intake at breakfast

Not a good start to the week -- had a smoothie with 4 strawberries, half a banana, protein powder, 1 cup 2% milk -- and it put me over my daily sugar count ?!?! UGH -- not happy about that but what can I do now -- was planning a salad for lunch and not sure what for dinner but now just makes me not wanna eat all day ..... back to the old habit of only eating once a day .... dont wanna do that...hopefully I get feeling better mentally as the day goes on .... started out good with my exercise but then this freakin' breakfast smoothing shot me down :noway:


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    There are thousands of responses about sugar here.

    Unless you have a medical reason to watch your sugar don't worry about it. Remove sugar from what you track if you don't like to see the number in red. Don't freak out because you had a little extra sugar.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    Milk has 12 grams of sugar in a one cup serving-one of the reasons why I don't drink it anymore. If I'm going to have sugar I at least want to taste it lol.
  • MK608
    MK608 Posts: 47 Member
    Breakfast is over now, try not to dwell on it. Now you know that the smoothie has a lot of sugar and you can alter it in the future. Add more veggies and less fruit! That way you can still have a smoothie, but it will be even more packed with nutrients and less sugar for you. As for today, time to move on and focus on the rest of your day :) Salad for lunch sounds great! Maybe use a balsamic vinegar instead of a dressing to keep your sugar in check. Chin up, you're doing great!
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    There are thousands of responses about sugar here.

    Unless you have a medical reason to watch your sugar don't worry about it. Remove sugar from what you track if you don't like to see the number in red. Don't freak out because you had a little extra sugar.

    this this this! MFP's "goal" is set to the recommendation for ADDED sugars, not naturally occurring lactose, fructose, etc. Don't bother fussing over it, It will just make you frustrated, as you can see!
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    Is there a reason you are even tracking sugar? Why overcomplicate things if you don't need to. Sugar is a subset of carbs... if your carbs are in check, does sugar really matter?
  • mangogirl272727
    mangogirl272727 Posts: 95 Member
    AS stated above unless you have insulin resistance or some medical issue with sugar, I wouldn't worry about sugars from healthy (ie non-refined sources). I eat A LOT of fruit (I actually feel 100% better physically when I'm getting the majority of my carbs from fruit rather than grains-even whole grains) and was going over the MFP daily sugar intake every day solely because of my fruit consumption, so I just changed my settings so I didn't have to see it. Again I whole heartedly believe that if you're getting sugar from unrefined fruit/vegetable/dairy sources there's no need to worry about it. I do try to keep my consumption of refined (white sugar) and even natural concentrated sugars (honey, maple syrup, agave, etc.) WAY down though just because those foods don't offer much (or-in the case of white sugar-any) nutrition for their high caloric content.
  • kikicooks
    kikicooks Posts: 1,079 Member
    Don't worry about sugar from natural sources unless you have a medical condition that says you have to. The sugar recommendation is for ADDED sugars.
  • NanaMAT3
    NanaMAT3 Posts: 43 Member
    THANKS EVERYONE !!! That was a lot of help -- I went and took the sugar off my daily counts -- I try not to add refined sugar, and if I do I use sugar in the raw -- have even planted stevia in my herb garden to incorporate it in if I need to add sweetness to something -- which I usually do not do. It really just threw me this AM for some reason .... I like my fruit smoothies in the AM, and vary my lunches from salads, cottage cheese/fruit, or a veggie smoothie ..... and usually I use yogurt instead of the milk but I purchased the wrong kind of yogurt and it has a TONNE of cal/fat so not even sure what I'm going to do with it .... def don't want to eat it !!!! lol will see if I can get the hubster to eat it lol again Thank you for all the encouraging words !!! Onward and UPWARDS !!!!
  • BarackMeLikeAHurricane
    BarackMeLikeAHurricane Posts: 3,400 Member
    Sugar is just a carb. As long as you're eating enough fats and protein, your carbs/sugar aren't particularly important unless you have a medical issue that requires carbs/sugar to be monitored.

    However, it should be noted that fructose and sucrose can only be stored as liver glycogen and not muscle glycogen. The liver can hold 100-120g glycogen so anything more than that will be converted to triglycerides. As long as you still have a calorie deficit this will even out. Just try to make most of your carbs glucose and not sucrose or fructose. Fructose in particular has been shown to decrease exercise performance, increased likelihood of gastrointestinal distress, and increase perception of exertion.

    Here are some studies: effects of glucose....pdf

    As long as you're under your calorie goal, you'll lose weight. Some people find that sugar (even from fruit) causes them to have more sugar/carb cravings so keep that in mind.

    For information on setting your macro target, read this:
  • maegmez
    maegmez Posts: 341 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.

    Most members here that don't bother with sugar are mostly at goal weight and very active and/or very fit and can burn sugar off much faster. However, someone who is still looking to loose weight needs to track sugar.

    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored. Maybe it isn't perfect but it's there to track.

    I rarely go over my sugar allowance daily. I only have one gram of sugar at breakfast. I have 60 grams of oatmeal with 100mls of unsweetened almond milk and 2 tps of stevia. I think my sugar allowance is 29 or 30. I do burn quite a bit with daily exercise so it does get raised.

    I'm not a professional so you don't have to take what I say but right or wrong, there is a reason MFP tracks your sugar.

    I only have one fruit a day and 4 servings of veg so get my 5 a day. I even have ice cream at times and still don't go over. I t
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.
    True, but this all balances out if you are in a calorie deficit. The body is constantly shuttling calories based on need, and it all comes out in the wash. Excess sugars, while still in a calorie deficit, still leads to weight loss.
    Most members here that don't bother with sugar are mostly at goal weight and very active and/or very fit and can burn sugar off much faster. However, someone who is still looking to loose weight needs to track sugar.
    Oh? Do you know all of our goals and our progress? Yes, some are, but the vast majority are still in progress.
    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored. Maybe it isn't perfect but it's there to track.
    there is a reason MFP tracks your sugar.
    MFP allows you to track EVERYTHING. Just because you can doesn't automatically mean you should. And some people should track sugar, doesn't mean everyone should.
  • GormanGhaste
    GormanGhaste Posts: 430 Member
    I'm losing weight just fine without tracking sugar. I have generous portions of fruit at every meal. Mmm, sugar!
  • susannamarie
    susannamarie Posts: 2,148 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.

    Most members here that don't bother with sugar are mostly at goal weight and very active and/or very fit and can burn sugar off much faster. However, someone who is still looking to loose weight needs to track sugar.

    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored. Maybe it isn't perfect but it's there to track.

    I rarely go over my sugar allowance daily. I only have one gram of sugar at breakfast. I have 60 grams of oatmeal with 100mls of unsweetened almond milk and 2 tps of stevia. I think my sugar allowance is 29 or 30. I do burn quite a bit with daily exercise so it does get raised.

    I'm not a professional so you don't have to take what I say but right or wrong, there is a reason MFP tracks your sugar.

    I only have one fruit a day and 4 servings of veg so get my 5 a day. I even have ice cream at times and still don't go over. I t

    Look around at other sugar recommendations.

    Note that their recommendations for reducing sugar suggest adding fruit instead of sugar to cereals, etc. In no way do they recommend limiting fruit. Their recommendations are for *added* sugars.

    Sugars are on page 16-17. Again, note that they focus on *added* sugars. Fruit canned in juice has no added sugars.

    tl;dr summary: The MFP sugar gram recommendation is for some reason set to the recommendation for *added* sugars. There is no reason to cut out fruit in order to fit under this guideline.
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    Also, the RDI is actually a MINIMUM. Perhaps it should be in red until you exceed it so there aren't "OMG, I ate an apple and I'm already over my sugar" threads on a daily basis.

    Take a look at:

    The only upper limit that they even talk about is to stay less than 25% of your daily calories from ADDED sugar, but they did not make it an official RDI.
  • lambchristie
    lambchristie Posts: 552 Member
    I looked at your food diary for today and you don't track sugar so how do you know this?
  • NanaMAT3
    NanaMAT3 Posts: 43 Member
    I looked at your food diary for today and you don't track sugar so how do you know this?

    That's because after posting and reading the replies I went and took it off!!! I dont add sugar to anything. And I LOVE to eat my fruit. It's always strawberries, 1/2 a banana, and then the rest varies as in pineapple or melon. I think eating RAW fruits and veggies are good for you, no matter the sugar, and it just frustrated me this AM so I went and took it off. Even if I add sugar, it's sugar in the raw, or stevia, so not going to concern myself with sugar. But that's why you no longer can see my sugar count because I took it off
    :wink: :wink:
  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    It's so frustrating to see so many tell members to not track sugar! Sugar is sugar, doesn't matter if its fructose or sucrose, it still has to be processed by your body and your liver can only hold so many grams of it at a time before it gets stored as fat.

    Why do you keep posting this on threads? Excess calories get stored as fat. If you are over on sugar but under on calories you will not gain fat. There is no need to track sugar unless you have a medical reason to do so. Sugar, while in a calorie deficit will not make you fat.
    My fitness Pal has sugar tracking for a reason and it's not to be ignored. Maybe it isn't perfect but it's there to track.

    Technically MFP sugar amounts are for added and refined sugars... not natural sugar.
  • BobOki
    BobOki Posts: 245 Member
    You can always use something like almond milk....
    But really, unless you have a medical reason not to have sugar, MOST of it will burn off or is sugar alcohols. I would not say don't track it, just don't worry about it.
  • MightyDomo
    MightyDomo Posts: 1,265 Member
    You are consuming naturally occuring sugars which are healthy, they have nutrition whereas the refined sugars do not and are the ones that you should count (found in breads, cereals, candy, ice cream, cake, pie, etc.). Also unless you have a medical probelm that requires you consume a certain amoutn of sugar or less then you are perfectly fine eating over the amount that MFP gives you.
  • maraq
    maraq Posts: 38 Member
    4 strawberries and a banana have a lot of sugar in them. That being said, it's not added sugar. While you don't want to go crazy and eat unlimited fruit, there's nothing wrong with a couple of servings of fruit a day. The benefits of fiber, potassium, vitamin C, antioxidants etc outweigh the negatives from the natural sugar (in this case). Limit any added sugars in your diet, but don't stress too much about a few pieces of fruit a day.