Should I consider a high calories shake (1000-1500 calories) for weekend active days?

Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
edited April 2015 in Food and Nutrition

Calories 1878 Carbs 77 Fat81 Protein 209 Fiber 9 Sugar 28
*You've earned 1,298 extra calories from exercise today

These are my numbers from Sunday I normally take in more Protein but was I negative for the day and that can't be healthy right?
I rode my bike 16 miles (700 Calories), Lifted weights I figure around (250 calories in 60 min), mowed the lawn 90 minutes (push mower around 300 calories), did yard work for another 60 minutes figure 150 calories went for three two mile walks (500 calories) twice with dogs and once at the end of the night just because it was beautiful out!! My steps app on my phone listed my day at 38744 steps.

I should have treated myself to a big Ribeye and would have been perfect!!! This site is really helpful because without it I would have never been able to figure it out..

I'm 6'1 198lbs in pretty good shape and my diary is an open book. Any thoughts on my active weekends the lawns won't stop growing and the dogs have to walk..


  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    The dog walks should be part of your daily activity.

  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I so wish they are like kids to me but unfortunately life happens and their not really my dogs I just borrow them From a friend. its a very peaceful time for me to walk with them looking at everything that moves chasing blowing leafs, birds squirrels etc!! I'm a single guy that lives alone and a dog lover who works 50 plus hours a week so am thankful for the walks from my neighbors dogs for free
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I so wish they are like kids to me but unfortunately life happens and their not really my dogs I just borrow them From a friend. its a very peaceful time for me to walk with them looking at everything that moves chasing blowing leafs, birds squirrels etc!! I'm a single guy that lives alone and a dog lover who works 50 plus hours a week so am thankful for the walks from my neighbors dogs for free

    I just wanted to say you are being very responsible :+1: It totally confounds me when people who are at work for the majority of the day then turn around and get a dog!! :rage:
    I feel so sorry for these pups being left alone all day, every day. I just wish these folks would get a cat or a bloody goldfish!

  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    edited April 2015
    Even though MFP encourages us to have daily consistency, real life presents us with changes based on the day.
    Sometimes people here look at weekly averages. So for example, if you are low on protein one day, make up for it the next two days. :) The same with high on activity.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    Before finding this awesome web site I was 275lbs over the course of two years and a crazy divorce I lost 40lbs not sure how because was eating horribly but working out lots for stress relief. Last year I bought a exercise bike got hooked I ride 90 to 110 miles a week. I cleaned up my diet, quit drinking alcohol, and changed my lifting to four days a week from six days a week. I do more circuit training now and quit the two hour three minutes between each set power lifting type of lifting. Honestly I lost a lot of muscle but a lot of fat too. I currently weigh 198 and lost 37lbs this past year doing portion control and lots of cardio keeping my protein high and TRYING to keep my carbs and fat about equal which I still find difficult most days.. Here are a few of my 275lb pics. I'll get some 198 lb pics up today too.. My friends tell me I'm getting to small I smile because little do they know just what I can do at this weight and feel fantastic. My diet is boring and eat the same things most days but I think of food as fuel now not pleasure..

  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015




    198lbs taken about two minutes ago


  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    One more with a smile


    Four years earlier


  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    I so wish they are like kids to me but unfortunately life happens and their not really my dogs I just borrow them From a friend. its a very peaceful time for me to walk with them looking at everything that moves chasing blowing leafs, birds squirrels etc!! I'm a single guy that lives alone and a dog lover who works 50 plus hours a week so am thankful for the walks from my neighbors dogs for free

    I just wanted to say you are being very responsible :+1: It totally confounds me when people who are at work for the majority of the day then turn around and get a dog!! :rage:
    I feel so sorry for these pups being left alone all day, every day. I just wish these folks would get a cat or a bloody goldfish!

    Calories 1878 Carbs 77 Fat81 Protein 209 Fiber 9 Sugar 28
    *You've earned 1,298 extra calories from exercise today

    These are my numbers from Sunday I normally take in more Protein but was I negative for the day and that can't be healthy right?
    I rode my bike 16 miles (700 Calories), Lifted weights I figure around (250 calories in 60 min), mowed the lawn 90 minutes (push mower around 300 calories), did yard work for another 60 minutes figure 150 calories went for three two mile walks (500 calories) twice with dogs and once at the end of the night just because it was beautiful out!! My steps app on my phone listed my day at 38744 steps.

    I should have treated myself to a big Ribeye and would have been perfect!!! This site is really helpful because without it I would have never been able to figure it out..

    I'm 6'1 198lbs in pretty good shape and my diary is an open book. Any thoughts on my active weekends the lawns won't stop growing and the dogs have to walk..

    How long have you been eating at that caloric intake?
    Have you lost weight?

    I normally consume just under 2500 calories and yes from the above photos I am losing weight. I try to remove as much processed sugar from my life as possible with one cheat meal normally Tuesday's at work.

  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    edited April 2015
    What is your weight loss goal set to?
    What are you actually seeing weight loss wise?
    That might better help answer the question.
  • DaveinSK
    DaveinSK Posts: 86 Member
    Wow, 90 minutes to mow the lawn? How big is your yard?
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    My weight loss goal is 190 lbs I lose about a pound a week. If I bagged the grass it would take twice that long so I mulch and its huge!! I live in a cul de sac corner lot so its Huge!! I enjoy Mowing regardless..

  • jennismagic
    jennismagic Posts: 243 Member
    I so wish they are like kids to me but unfortunately life happens and their not really my dogs I just borrow them From a friend. its a very peaceful time for me to walk with them looking at everything that moves chasing blowing leafs, birds squirrels etc!! I'm a single guy that lives alone and a dog lover who works 50 plus hours a week so am thankful for the walks from my neighbors dogs for free

    I just wanted to say you are being very responsible :+1: It totally confounds me when people who are at work for the majority of the day then turn around and get a dog!! :rage:
    I feel so sorry for these pups being left alone all day, every day. I just wish these folks would get a cat or a bloody goldfish!

    There are loads of people who work that much and have children to support, so I don't think it has anything to do with responsibility. I also don't think other people should judge what other people do, but maybe that's just me. You do what works for you.

  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    My weight loss goal is 190 lbs I lose about a pound a week. If I bagged the grass it would take twice that long so I mulch and its huge!! I live in a cul de sac corner lot so its Huge!! I enjoy Mowing regardless..

    What is your weight loss goal on MFP? This is how it calculates how many calories you should eat. With only a few pounds to go, it should be set to lose 0.5 pounds a week. To find out, go to "My Home," click "goals," click "change goals," click "guided." That'll tell you what you currently have it set to and you can change it there as well.

    Are you hungry on your extra active days or the day/two after them?
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    If it helps, you can think of your eating in bigger chunks of time, like weekly. If you think you didn't get enough to eat on the weekend, maybe not enough protein, you can eat more throughout the week, spread it out!

    If I had 1000-1500 extra calories, I would probably not spend them on a shake, but you can spend them however/whenever you'd like.

    If your weekends really are that active, why did you eat less than 1900 calories on Sunday? *I* eat more than that on the weekends. Eat more on the weekends, or throughout the week. Maybe next time, do treat yourself to the ribeye!
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    DaveinSK wrote: »
    Wow, 90 minutes to mow the lawn? How big is your yard?
    My family has an acre. Even with a riding mower, it took me about that long to mow it - used a push mower in some spots. My mom did the weedwhacking most of the time since I couldn't get our gas motor one started and the electric one died quickly.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm not really ever hungry I eat six- times a day at work its easy and when your always there not a problem for me.. Except after a workout if I don't eat for like an hour I get irritable and know I need to eat. I do a Protein 40 gram shake between my weight training and Biking program.. My MFP is set at 190lbs and 1 pound per week. 2070 calories 50% protein 25 carbs 25 fats.

    On SundaysI try to eat a big breakfast after my workouts then do my choirs a quick sandwich at like noon then back to cleaning, mowing, laundry, walking, groceries, me time, meal prep etc
  • xcalygrl
    xcalygrl Posts: 1,897 Member
    I'm not really ever hungry I eat six- times a day at work its easy and when your always there not a problem for me.. Except after a workout if I don't eat for like an hour I get irritable and know I need to eat. I do a Protein 40 gram shake between my weight training and Biking program.. My MFP is set at 190lbs and 1 pound per week. 2070 calories 50% protein 25 carbs 25 fats.

    On SundaysI try to eat a big breakfast after my workouts then do my choirs a quick sandwich at like noon then back to cleaning, mowing, laundry, walking, groceries, me time, meal prep etc

    If you aren't really hungry, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. But if you feel like you need to, add an extra 1000-1500 on Sundays or add an extra 200 to the other days of the week. That'll take you down to losing about 0.5 pounds per week, but you'll be able to get more fuel in.

    You could also do like a PP mentioned up thread and look at your cals on a weekly basis. And eat so that you are where you need to be at the end of the week.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    xcalygrl wrote: »
    I'm not really ever hungry I eat six- times a day at work its easy and when your always there not a problem for me.. Except after a workout if I don't eat for like an hour I get irritable and know I need to eat. I do a Protein 40 gram shake between my weight training and Biking program.. My MFP is set at 190lbs and 1 pound per week. 2070 calories 50% protein 25 carbs 25 fats.

    On SundaysI try to eat a big breakfast after my workouts then do my choirs a quick sandwich at like noon then back to cleaning, mowing, laundry, walking, groceries, me time, meal prep etc

    If you aren't really hungry, then I wouldn't worry about it too much. But if you feel like you need to, add an extra 1000-1500 on Sundays or add an extra 200 to the other days of the week. That'll take you down to losing about 0.5 pounds per week, but you'll be able to get more fuel in.

    You could also do like a PP mentioned up thread and look at your cals on a weekly basis. And eat so that you are where you need to be at the end of the week.

    Ya I like that idea I never really thought about a weeks worth of food calculation. Thank you!!

    I normally lose weight during the summer months so once I hit 195 i'm going to up my calories knowing I will be even more active with the kids off for summer and hopefully adjust accordingly..

    Thanks to the rest of you as well..

  • itsmeGennie
    itsmeGennie Posts: 39 Member
    I don't know how to answer your question but you look great!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    edited April 2015
    You look awesome!

    One thing to keep in mind with your numbers though... I don't know what your TDEE is but your basic metabolism is probably 100 calories an hour anyway, so you can probably subtract 100 to most of your hour-long activities. And 700 calories for 16 miles bike ride sounds excessive, I do 15 miles in one hour on my stationary bike and only burn 230 calories (granted.. I'm smaller than you, and it's stationary, but it also means the pace is constant, which is probably not the case when you bike outside).

    So anyway, I'd probably eat back 50% of that tops, but yeah I'd eat whatever I want in those calories for sure, and definitely wouldn't spend them on a protein shake.
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    Francl27 wrote: »
    You look awesome!

    One thing to keep in mind with your numbers though... I don't know what your TDEE is but your basic metabolism is probably 100 calories an hour anyway, so you can probably subtract 100 to most of your hour-long activities. And 700 calories for 16 miles bike ride sounds excessive, I do 15 miles in one hour on my stationary bike and only burn 230 calories (granted.. I'm smaller than you, and it's stationary, but it also means the pace is constant, which is probably not the case when you bike outside).

    So anyway, I'd probably eat back 50% of that tops, but yeah I'd eat whatever I want in those calories for sure, and definitely wouldn't spend them on a protein shake.

    I'm actually riding a stationary (spirit XBU55 Highly recommended) bike with an average HR of 128-145 for 50 minutes (Level 15 of 20) it sits in my living room (plus to being single). I usually count the calories as 500 for cardio and 250 for weight lifting but as you can see below It says a lot more.

    6'1 height

    Thank you



  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I so wish they are like kids to me but unfortunately life happens and their not really my dogs I just borrow them From a friend. its a very peaceful time for me to walk with them looking at everything that moves chasing blowing leafs, birds squirrels etc!! I'm a single guy that lives alone and a dog lover who works 50 plus hours a week so am thankful for the walks from my neighbors dogs for free

    I just wanted to say you are being very responsible :+1: It totally confounds me when people who are at work for the majority of the day then turn around and get a dog!! :rage:
    I feel so sorry for these pups being left alone all day, every day. I just wish these folks would get a cat or a bloody goldfish!

    I totally agree!!!

  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    LOL - I would never hurt another human being but would protect myself, family and friends 100%.. My dad was 6'8 and my brother was (long story) 6'5 so I understand the height comment 100%!!! My mother and I are closer is the best way to look at that situation!! For the record my Kenpo sensei (5th black belt) is 155 lbs 5'6 and I have so much respect (I'am 3rd brown 4 years)!! That bike was incredible benefit to a dual income (marriage) I can assure you not my current life style but I'am so much happier with both of them gone!!


    Im much better off not being this guy and will never go back!!


  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    What a joke i was back then!! Kindness is my future the end!! To anyone going through a divorce or within two years after a divorce trust me wait two to three years before even thinking you know yourself. my 2 cents