How to wake up and get to the gym?!



  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Up at 5am every day, hour bus ride, 2.5km walk then to the gym for 6:45. I get everything ready the night before. Pack my lunch and have it ready in the fridge. Pull all my gym gear in the backpack and anything else I need by the door - when it's all ready to go it's just a pain to unpack everything. Also, I HAVE to go to the gym because I don't leave myself enough time to shower and get ready at home before my ride arrives so no gym = no shower, no makeup, ponytail hair etc.. Leave yourself no other choice.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    I get up at 5am, leave the house by 5:30, commute an hour, and am in the gym from 6:30 - 8. For me, it helps to have little treats I can look forward to. Like, I have expensive, awesome shower gel which I only let myself use at the gym. I also have these mint chocolate protein bars which I LOVE, but I only get one if I've been to the gym. It also helps that the traffic is much lighter at 5:30.

    Generally, once my feet hit the floor, I'm fine. It's just that initial push to get myself up.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    Hi all,

    So I am seeking some of your wisdom on how to motivate oneself to get out of bed early and get to the gym?

    Due to my schedule I am up at 5am and at the gym by 5.15/5.20am. And I was doing this very well until a recent holiday! Now I am back and with the days getting shorter and colder (in Australia) I am finding it very difficult to get going in the morning, and have opted for the warmth of bed and an extra hour sleep a few times!

    Does anyone have any amazing tricks to get on top of this? :#

    winter is tough. my motivation for early morning workouts waned significantly during the winter here in the northern hemisphere.

    you just have to do it. it sucks, it's cold, but honestly, now looking at the fact that i dropped 20 pounds in the four winter months, i'm really glad that i stuck with it.
  • zissisbrisbane
    zissisbrisbane Posts: 22 Member
    Good tips, thanks to all!
    I've been getting to bed a bit earlier, and I've been every day thus far this week.

    Getting started again is the hard part for me. Once I'm in the routine I feel so much better.
  • FitForce8
    FitForce8 Posts: 11 Member
    1. Wake up
    2.Find hot girl to harass you until you get to gym
    3. Gym
    4. die