Polar FT7 and swimming

I plan on going swimming with my FT7, does anyone know how accurate is with its calorie counts in the water. it seems pretty accurate on dry land activities, but i have doubts about with its calorie counting will be less reliable in the water?


  • ShannonMpls
    ShannonMpls Posts: 1,936 Member
    My problem using an Ft7 in the water was that it didn't work. It would only occasionally transmit my heart rate, and it lost the signal all the time. I stopped wearing it in the water altogether. It never lost the signal on land.

    As for accuracy, you should take the calorie count with a grain of salt regardless of whether you're on land or water.
  • Allydw89
    Allydw89 Posts: 6 Member
    It did work in the water but i'd admit the calorie count can be way out at time. With swimming it registered as about 545 calories in an hour doing breast stroke, so that seemed about right, yet out walking on sunday it registered a whopping 850 calories over 90 minutes and it was only a steady 3/3.5mph walk (about 10 minutes being uphill), so that was obviously wayyyy off, even MFP only said 450 max
  • Yogi_Carl
    Yogi_Carl Posts: 1,906 Member
    Same here. I used the FT7 when swimming, burned an impressive 600 calories in one hour - possible but unlikely for me - ate my calories back and put a pound on!

    My feeling is HRMs are a bit of a toy and watching your weight increase or decrease against diet and exercise across the weeks is the best indicator and more freeing than relying on a HRM.