Any Females managed to lose weight on antidepressants

Hi all,

I could use some motivation and support.

I've taken antidepressants for years and I find that however hard I train and diet the weight will not shift.
I know that resistant weight is a side effect of these drugs and I'm working with my GP to wean off them, but it's a slow process.
I'd love to hear from other females that currently take, or have taken AD's - but still managed to lose weight.

Other forums are full of people that cannot lose weight while taking these pills and it's really demoralising. I'm desperate to hear from people that have still managed to lose weight, despite these meds, to keep me motivated....

Thank you for sharing your story with me.


  • Wiccanandi
    Wiccanandi Posts: 32 Member
    hello, I gained weight while taking anti-depressants and hormone treatments, I am taking trazodone now which can cause you to lose weight, and has little side effects which is the only one that really works for me. I still put weight on if I don't eat properly so the tablets don't really make much difference to me in that respect. I guess it's just about eating less and working out more, which isn't easy when you have depression.
  • BrandNewMan1970
    BrandNewMan1970 Posts: 373 Member
    Not a female but on AD. Honestly use the calorie counter on the app. 100% log your food. Before you eat it log it. Stay under your calorie goals and workout. I kidded myself for years and blamed the meds for my lack of weight loss. Never blaming my eating and drinking habits. I began using this app in earnest about 3 months ago. I do everything I said above. You will lose weight. It isn't the meds fault. You can do this.
  • newgam03
    newgam03 Posts: 7 Member
    I honestly hadn't thought about the AD getting in the way of my weight loss. I just feel better if I eat healthier foods and exercise more. I love that sense of accomplishment that goes with it. I'm not losing fast, but I can look at the weeks where I have stuck closer to my eating and exercising goals and that's when I lose weight. You have a LOT to look forward to once you take your first step. Believe in yourself and best of luck!
  • electricmoogaloo
    electricmoogaloo Posts: 5 Member
    I was taking Citalopram for 2 years and gained a lot of weight on it. I came off and went back on last year, and noticed a spike in half a stone within a month (Why I'm on MyFitnessPal, trying to lose that...!), I've never overeaten and exercise ever day. After some research,I chose Sertraline. It doesn't affect your weight at all, I just had other side effects like insomnia! Maybe switching meds will help, I don't agree with the statements that some meds don't affect your weight. My doctor told me they do because they slow your heart rate. If you feel your depression is manageable, I've been using 5-HTP which you can buy in supplement shops or online. I've found it's really helped my mood.
    Hope that was helpful! :smile:
  • MistyBlue9
    MistyBlue9 Posts: 109 Member
    Oh i'm on citalopram, it never occurred to me that it might put weight on me :(
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    I've lost weight while taking AD and birth control(depo shot) I started at 202 lbs and am 135 now. I'm still on the birth control shot.
    I ate at a deficit and was really precise with my logging and weighing foods
  • Helj1975
    Helj1975 Posts: 3 Member
    There's some great comments here, thank you so much x

    Thorsmom, what you've achieved is amazeballs and I'd be really interested to hear your exercise regime and calorie intake, if you'd like to share it.

    For those of you that didn't know about the relationship between weight gain and AD's, here are my findings after a fair bit of research and info from the professionals in the pysche world.

    It is widely accepted that AD's do cause weight gain. Some meds more than others, but it seemed to be a very common side effect that even the drug companies had to admit to. Initially, it was believed that the weight gain was caused by an increase in appetite. The increase in appetite being caused by the meds. However, in more recent years, there is evidence that people are gaining weight even while not over eating, or increasing their calorie intake at all. So, the new findings have suggested that there is actually some kind of interaction between the meds and our metabolism. In black and white talk, the meds slow down the metabolism. However, nobody (not even the experts) know why.

    I know that I have found it very difficult, if not impossible to lose weight. I have a personal trainer three times a week. I eat clean, and fast for 2 days per week, this I've been doing for 2 years - and I've not lost weight. It is only my stubbornness that keeps me at it, as I don't see any results :(

    Thank you for everybody's replies I have been uplifted and motivated by you all xx
  • quafferj
    quafferj Posts: 45 Member
    I'm on Wellbutrin as well as several other meds, but getting off the Seroquel has made the biggest difference. I no longer felt ravenously hungry all the time, and while weight loss will never be EASY, I am losing by making a conscious choice as to what I eat. It really did come down to me stopping all the excuses I was making for my lack of weight loss and holding myself accountable.
  • TheVirgoddess
    TheVirgoddess Posts: 4,535 Member
    76 pounds and counting.

    I'm on two different anti-d's and an anti-anxiety. And birth control.

    I just watched my calories, stayed active and focused.
  • lauranewman130
    lauranewman130 Posts: 36 Member
    I've been in lexapro foryears now. If I work hard at it and watch my diet I've been successful losing weight. I am not sure what your age or activity/work is but I can say getting older has more impact than the less. I am 43 now and I find I can't get away with "cheating" like I used to. Check your diet vs your calories burned. How much carbs and fat you're I taking in. You may need to tweak it. I know it's tough and frustrating. Hang in there!
  • I had that problem with past ad, but now I take Stratera and Welbutrin and is not an issue anymore.
  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Gained weight while taking antidepressants,
    have lost weight (lots of it!) while taking antidepressants.
    It's not the drug, it's the person.
    If anything, balancing the brain chemicals should help you lose weight, because it's easier to kick yourself in the
    behind & exercise, easier to cook healthy foods instead of having no energy & grabbing something packaged.

  • tam5190
    tam5190 Posts: 2 Member
    I take wellbutrin and effexor. At first I lost weight when I went on wellbutrin but now im just gaining weight. That's why I decided to join this site. My doctor says I can lose weight on antidepressants... I just might have to work extra hard!
  • sparklingem88
    sparklingem88 Posts: 2 Member
    I was put on Paxil for a year and towards the end gained 30 lbs. I'm 5'3" and 160 lbs now and am having a hard time losing the weight. I know it's possible and if anything, counting calories is what works for me so I just need to muster up the will power!
  • lisahalbrooks99
    lisahalbrooks99 Posts: 1 Member
    I am on two antidepressants. Have been for 15 years. I am able to lose weight when I count my calories. It just seems to take a couple months to drop any pounds. Then they start coming off. I'll never be 110 pounds again. But I am 40. My goal weight is 130. I tend to jump to 140 when I'm not careful. I'm short 5 foot 2.
  • corsayre8
    corsayre8 Posts: 551 Member
    Nope. I take citalopram and am down over 30 since the first of the year. The depression contributed to my lack of motivation and self care. The medication has helped to take control of my health.
  • pslm91
    pslm91 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I am on Wellbutrin and I have lost 6 pounds in 26 days... You have to be consistent and exercise regularly!
  • Heartisalonelyhunter
    Heartisalonelyhunter Posts: 786 Member
    I think it's generally acknowledged that AD's can cause weight gain and weight loss. Personally I lost a lot of weight on AD's - they completely killed my appetite. It wasn't a good thing.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I was on antidepressants for years. I never gained weight from them. I made sure that whatever my doctor prescribed did not have weight gain as a side effect. Wellbutrin was great for weight loss, but I couldn't hold a cup of coffee without spilling it, so he took me off it. Everything else was a matter of portion control, consistency and increased activity.

    Be in charge of your mental health. There are tons of choices - don't abdicate your responsibility.