I have returned to win this weight fight once and for all!

Hi Everyone, am Annie and this is my second time of trying to loose my weight to be healthier for me. Am from the West Country in the UK so a big hello to anyone in my area.
I have since my last time on here had a full hip replacement (6 weeks post op now) I am proud to say I can walk a lot better than I have done in years and it feels good. Over the last three months I have lost two stone (28 pounds) which I know some has been down to the op. I am walking more which is all good. Now I have to do this for me, for my health and to protect my new hip. Most of all I want to play with my grandchildren not just sit there and watch them play, I want to kick the football, I want to run and play hide & seek, and yes I want to go swimming with them to. And I will!