Thigh toning

currently 5'0 147 (began at 199) and I feel amazing my trouble spot right now is my thighs I can not seem to tone them. I feel comfortable in my swim suit but I can't seem to get my upper thighs in shape. Does anyone have any suggestions on toning upper thighs


  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    you cannot spot reduce - you need to continue to lose fat from all over your body through a calorie deficit
  • jchite84
    jchite84 Posts: 467 Member
    Do you mean quads, inner thigh (groin), or outer thigh (more gluteus medius)? For quads - squats and deadlifts, for back of thigh and butt - good mornings and Romanian deadlifts, and for inner thigh - sumo squats. You can also run up hills.

    Also, just because everybody will tell you this, so it might as well be gotten out of the way - the idea of "toning" a muscle is a myth, and the idea of area specific fat loss is a myth. These exercises will help add a little bulk to specific muscles which will make them appear more defined. Calorie counting and more muscle will help with fat loss, but it will come from where ever it pleases. These are also good exercises, which should probably be part of any total body exercise regime.
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Toning is just losing enough fat for the muscles to be more defined. Just keep eating in a deficit and you'll lose fat there.... Eventually. Hips/thighs are where most women lose fat last