After dinner snacking! Help!!!!



  • plumppork
    plumppork Posts: 22 Member
    I Love late night eating and tried the substitute fake chips etc. and I only end up eating them all and still left unsatisfied and go over cals. I try to have a few calories left after supper and then about an hour after supper I have a skinny cow drumstick. YUM. Then I tell myself I am done for the day. Its not easy I can tell you that but having that treat after supper when im not soo hungry seems to help from going crazy. And if all else fails later then sometimes I just have to go to bed to stop the pantry voices from calling me.
  • 1shauna1
    1shauna1 Posts: 993 Member
    Ug, evening snacking is the worst for me too. However, I've been working out a lot and so I have extra calories to play with. As mentioned could you do that? Sounds like you are really busy....maybe after kids are in bed you could do some exercise (even go for a walk) and that might distract you. Or try some tea or broth instead of eating. Mostly just wanted to let you know you're not alone in this! lol
  • HarperGirl85
    HarperGirl85 Posts: 41 Member
    I drink water, or hot tea. My husband does this too, he loves tv/movie time snacks after the kids are in bed. If I sip on something, I'm normally not too tempted.
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    plumppork wrote: »
    And if all else fails later then sometimes I just have to go to bed to stop the pantry voices from calling me.
    Yes- sleep cures hunger!
  • skinnygirldc
    skinnygirldc Posts: 30 Member
    I save 100 calories for a popsicle at night. If I'm really hungry, I'll have a small apple.
  • GiGiBeans
    GiGiBeans Posts: 1,062 Member
    You asked for things to think. I tell myself "You've had that food before. It's OK but is it worth trading for reaching my goal sooner? It's not as you'll never have a chance to eat this again when in maintenance.".

    If it's more about the social aspect of sharing food with your husband, save calories for a late night snack with him but don't eat the same things. Make a small plate of something for yourself - maybe some cubed cheddar & apples.

  • sweetd6
    sweetd6 Posts: 74 Member
    There's something some weight watchers use that they call "reverse tracking". Basically, you are tracking 24 hours, does it HAVE to be from wake up time to bedtime? How about you record LAST night's dinner and following snacking into your tracker, then use today's breakfast and lunch to add up to your calorie goal. What you will find is that you won't be able to eat very much for breakfast and lunch, so there are negative consequences to the snacking, which might motivate you to change your snacks. When you get to dinner, you are starting the "next day". This seems to work wonders for after dinner snackers.
  • Castrofreak
    Castrofreak Posts: 67 Member
    I skip breakfast and dont usually snack during the day so that I have enough calories left over at night when I usually binge. It keeps binges to a minimum. It works for me.
  • polishkittymm
    polishkittymm Posts: 1 Member
    First of all, don't deprive yourself. Drinking tea, chewing on flavored toothpicks (you can buy online, e.g. Amazon), eating popcorn or having a popsicle are some options. Of course, you can have a protein shake/smoothie or drink water to feel some fullness. Another option I like is frozen low calorie/sugar free cool whip mixed with some graham crackers. It's so yummy. Good luck.
  • Got2beme7
    Got2beme7 Posts: 23 Member
    Wow you have all given me some good tips. Thank you all! I think I will look at a combination of things - brush my teeth and mouthwash :), tell myself "it's just food - I've had it before and not having it now, doesn't mean I'll never get it again". AND budgeting something in. Thank you all for your comments. I do appreciate you taking the time.