A Point of Inflection or A point of No Return

This morning, I found I have only One pair of trousers left which just fit my waist. None of my suits, jeans fit me anymore. If I have just one more pizza/burger/ chicken wing, I will have to buy a new wardrobe and I know that will be my point of no return. I cannot give in to that.

Starting today, I am turning the curve, just my next meal, just one more pound, just the next eighth of an inch. I am looking for a small group to be accountable to, someone who can inspire me to be my best.

I have used MFP with great disciple and to great effect in the past, with the help of some very generous people. I went against my better angels when I consciously decided to stop logging. In the last 4 months since I stopped logging I have gained 10 lbs. I still do my strength workouts regularly but have nearly stopped my cardio.

So I am going to go and buy myself a pair of jeans 3 inches lesser than my present waist size and make that my first goal.
Thank you all for having me back.
