Medication making weight loss difficult?

Hi there, I'm hoping to connect with others who may be finding weight loss difficult due to medications. I've just recently finished chemo and steroids and am now taking hormone suppressants = recipe for disaster! I've had a loss in the last week but that was after two weeks of continued gain despite diet and exercise. It would be lovely to add some friends who are in a similar situation - it can be very depressing to put in huge amounts of effort, only to see no movement on the scales. We could pick each other up on bad weeks and spur each other on during the good? Friend me if this is you :)


  • Lpaduano17
    Lpaduano17 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! I'm currently going through chemo treatments and have gained quite a bit of weight due to the steroids and change in taste buds/metallic taste. Even though I'm still going through treatment I'm trying to eat better and exercise when able to try and at least stop gaining. Add me as a friend if you would like; it would be nice to have someone to talk to who understands what I'm going through :smiley:
  • SunflowerCat74
    SunflowerCat74 Posts: 258 Member
    Hey there! Count me in! I gained over 20lbs since my cancer dx and had totally chalked it up to Tamoxifen. So I joined MFP, started logging everything I put in my mouth and got serious about my exercise. I wanted to show my oncologist that Tamoxifen was the devil...well jokes on me! I've lost 23lbs since January. It's not easy, but you CAN DO THIS! I'll send you both a request.