Looking for pregnant friends !

I just found out I am pregnant and I am overweight my doctor is fine with me stil trying to lose weight as long as I eat well I will see him tomorrow to get a calorie number but I would like some more pregnant friends especially if they have been approved to still lose weight while pregnant ! I love my current list of friends but soon I know I will be all baby this baby that and don't want to drive them crazy and want some others who are in the same boat :) I am super excited for this pregnancy !


  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    I just found out I was a few days ago :)

    baby #2!!!

    I need to eat better and NOT GAIN 45 lbs like I did like time

    add me, Im browsing the internet to see what kind of safe exercises I can do. gathering as much info as I can. ill be asking the dr soon though
  • livelovelearn2011
    livelovelearn2011 Posts: 13 Member
    Congrats! I am entering the third trimester (27/28 weeks), so at the other end from you:)

    Thought I would watch closer, but time has escaped me, and tiredness has won out! Starting to track again, so feel free to add me for some diary inspiration:)
  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    Congrats! I'm not pregnant anymore (she's 5 months now) but I lost weight while pregnant because I had developed gestational diabetes early on. A change in diet and exercise caused me to lose weight. Good luck!