Weekend fail.. help?

Hi, I've been losing well for the first 5-6 weeks but these last few weeks the loss has been pretty static.
M-F I'm regimented, training and eating healthy but come S & Su not so good but still under net for the week.
Any advice, motivation, tips to help me stay on track??
I have lost 25lbs so far but with about another 35 to go so I any thinking that it is a plateau.
New to the forum side of myfitnesspal but have used the site on and off for years with much success, great tool!


  • Exegi_Corpus
    Exegi_Corpus Posts: 84 Member
    You are, indeed, most probably in plateau.

    Try changing your training scheme or times etc. or your meal times. How do you train? How many meals do you eat? Do calibrate your diet and training at least every month?
  • Allelito
    Allelito Posts: 179 Member
    Are you sure you're under the weekly net (as in weighing on a food scale and logging all food and drinks)?
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    It looks like you are not logging everything on Saturdays/Sundays. My guess is that you are eating up your deficit. How much have you lost from your starting weight? Have you adjusted your calories downward at all?
  • thedonwah
    thedonwah Posts: 11 Member
    I train for an hour before work, hr 140 cardio, 5 days a week, try to do 90 mins on Sat only 3 meals, breakfast 250cal, lunch 300 cal and dinner about 750cal, 2 in between of either yoghurt or fruit.. last week and this i have added another w/o 3 nights a week.. i dont calibrate but i also do not really know what that is?
  • thedonwah
    thedonwah Posts: 11 Member
    Allelito wrote: »
    Are you sure you're under the weekly net (as in weighing on a food scale and logging all food and drinks)?

    i think i could be more accurate perhaps but the past 2 weeks i have been logging and weighing my foods, thanks for the reply

  • thedonwah
    thedonwah Posts: 11 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    It looks like you are not logging everything on Saturdays/Sundays. My guess is that you are eating up your deficit. How much have you lost from your starting weight? Have you adjusted your calories downward at all?

    i have logged my new weight (usually weekly or 2) but just went with what myfitnesspal has indicated

  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    How much have you lost altogether? Have you lost anything at all over the past 5-6 weeks?
  • thedonwah
    thedonwah Posts: 11 Member
    I have lost 25 lbs,
  • thedonwah
    thedonwah Posts: 11 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    How much have you lost altogether? Have you lost anything at all over the past 5-6 weeks?

    Aaah, i think i may have just got what you might be getting at... i have already lost 25 and should chill a little bit, the dramatic weight loss slows after a while??
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    It's a stall, tighten up your logging.
  • thedonwah
    thedonwah Posts: 11 Member
    Laurend224 wrote: »
    It's a stall, tighten up your logging.

    ☺ thank you, hearing it from others is a help. New goal: 1 week solid logging!

  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    as the others said, just tighten up and be more aware on the weekends, see if you can keep your weekend eating a tad lower - I found this an issue as well. Its a matter of finding a way to keep yourself either at deficit every day and at weekends eating just slightly under maintenance level.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    thedonwah wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    How much have you lost altogether? Have you lost anything at all over the past 5-6 weeks?

    Aaah, i think i may have just got what you might be getting at... i have already lost 25 and should chill a little bit, the dramatic weight loss slows after a while??

    Yep, it definitely slows. Are you saying that you've lost 25 pounds over the past 5-6 weeks? That is a really good loss. In the beginning you drop a bunch of water weight so the first few weeks are easy peasy lemon squeezy. Then you get hit with reality and have to lower your expectations. At this point a pound a week is a good goal and even with that it's not going to be a linear loss. You'll lose a bit, stay the same some, maybe go up a bit. What matters is the long term downward trend.
  • thedonwah
    thedonwah Posts: 11 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    thedonwah wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    How much have you lost altogether? Have you lost anything at all over the past 5-6 weeks?

    Aaah, i think i may have just got what you might be getting at... i have already lost 25 and should chill a little bit, the dramatic weight loss slows after a while??

    Yep, it definitely slows. Are you saying that you've lost 25 pounds over the past 5-6 weeks? That is a really good loss. In the beginning you drop a bunch of water weight so the first few weeks are easy peasy lemon squeezy. Then you get hit with reality and have to lower your expectations. At this point a pound a week is a good goal and even with that it's not going to be a linear loss. You'll lose a bit, stay the same some, maybe go up a bit. What matters is the long term downward trend.

    That makes sense, thank you, appresh the feedback. . ☺