Double willpower needed!

started yesterday and although I'm doing ok I really want to pick at all the food in the fridge and cupboards. I wouldn't mind if I was hungry but I'm not. I'm just being a pig. I think I need more than willpower, it's so hard, but I have to do it. I've become the shape of an egg on legs and I hate myself for it. Goid luck to everybody


  • myeclipse81
    myeclipse81 Posts: 18 Member
    I know the feeling. I do the same thing. I go to the refrigerator out of habit and just look for anything. I sometimes just want something to crunch on and I'm not even hungry. I've had a real struggle with this. Feel free to add me and we can encourage one another. :)
  • susiej6
    susiej6 Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks I'll add you now. Hopefully we can motivate each other