24 years and never been happy! That changes today!

Hi everyone!
My name is Felicia, I'm 24 from Tennessee! I've been overweight pretty much my entire teenage/adult life. I got pregnant with my daughter at 17 and when I had her I blew up. Ever since then I keep gaining more and more weight and now I'm standing 5'5" 268 lbs. not good. I'm completely hating life now and I want that to change. My fiancé is a great supporter for me and my entire family is as well. I'm ready to get healthy and lose at least 100lbs! Let's do this! Any advice on how to stay motivated at first is very appreciated and needed! :#


  • afacetocallhome
    afacetocallhome Posts: 91 Member
    Hey Felicia! I'm Ruth, I'm 24 and I'm from the UK.

    I've pretty much always been overweight, and I have around 70 lbs to lose. I also have a fiancé who is a great supporter. It makes a huge difference to have people around you who are cheering you on. :smile:

    When it comes to staying motivated, my best advice is to think about why you started. What brought you to MFP? Focus on that any time you find yourself wanting to give in.

    For me, it's the fact that I don't want to feel fat in my wedding dress, and I want to have a long, happy married life. I need to improve my health to have a chance at that happening. Whenever I start to feel like giving up, I think about my wedding day. It's a couple of years away, but I've got a lot of work to do. I'd also like to have children one day, and I want to have healthy habits that I can encourage them to share.

    Don't ever be too hard on yourself if you slip up and remember that a treat every now and then is perfectly fine, as long as you keep the portions in control. To deprive yourself of all the tasty things in life isnt going to get you far. Be fair to yourself, and go at a pace that you feel comfortable with. A loss is a loss, no matter how small it may seem, and it's all a step in the right direction.

    You can do this. Good luck! :smiley:
  • felicianicolemfp
    felicianicolemfp Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks so much! It's amazing to know there are so many other people out there doing this just like me!