Most effective workouts for partners?

My friend and I recently started to workout together. There is a bit of conflict though. I'm a fun runner and she can't even jog half a mile. Ultimately we are trying to tone up and be fit. I have a gym membership while she does not. I have been actively working out for the last few months and I'm doing pretty good on my own. I was trying to push her to try and run more and she pretty much told me running is useless and that she doesn't want to get fit that way. ( I know... I was pretty annoyed at this. ) Anywho, What could we do together because shes kind of looking at me to figure this out and I want to make the most of our time together. I have some weights but not enough for two people to really share...

Squats are fantastic and I'm learning to do more things like that. I've always been a runner. I have never lifted or anything. I lost 45 lbs and while I look good I haven't toned up the way I wanted too. I realize its probably I haven't done any strength training.

Any suggestions?


  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    edited April 2015
    Probably nothing. You both need different partners or to work on your own. What you are describing is not two people working together, it is one person exercising and trying to push someone else to join in, which will only end in ruining the friendship.
    If your friend is interested in joining a gym, you can both try a class. I would suggest something like Zumba or other dance-based workout, as these usually have a fun atmosphere and encourage socialising, at least from my experience. Or you could try doing a Zumba DVD at home. However, if you are a runner, and she is out of shape, chances are she will be out of breath while you are still warming up, and it might put more tension on your friendship than do good, while in a class, there are people at completely different levels and no one really stands out.
    As for what you are currently trying, two people at very different levels running together will not work. I have been running for 20 years now, but am not at all competitive about it, and running with someone who is faster always ruins my workout, as I push myself to a level that just makes me uncomfortable. Also if you have a gym membership, experimentign with weight lifting for the first time at home and acting as a role model to your friend, this too does not sound like the best plan, especially if she is not as committed as you are and she will be looking to you for directions.
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 24,967 Member
    What about doing something that might be out of both of your comfort zones.

    What about ...

    -- getting together on a Saturday for hikes. You can start with something relatively short and work your way up to all-day hikes.

    -- getting bicycles, you might rent them first, and riding the local cycleways. Again, you might start with something short and fairly flat and build up.

    -- canoeing ... again, perhaps rent at first, but get into a 2-person canoe.

    And about the gym membership, encourage her to get one too. My husband and I found that worked well for us. He hit the pool, then came up and ran on the treadmill, while I ran/walked on the treadmill and took a spinning class. Other times we'd both start on the treadmill, and then I'd get onto the rowing machine while he rode the spin bike for 20 min. Or whatever. We were both there together, but not glued to each other's hip ... and it wasn't like either of were going to leave the other behind or something.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I’d get her to recommend a fitness activity, tennis, biking, kayaking, etc. And I’d do that with them a couple of times a week. Otherwise, I’d do my runs, do my lifting at the gym and get fit. Don’t let her hold you back (she’s not a workout partner unless she’s as serious as you are about it).