Bariatric journey

hi MFP friends... I'm looking for others who have had or are planning bariatric surgery. No one can do this alone. Friend me for a life changing journey partner!


  • Lrdoflamancha
    Lrdoflamancha Posts: 1,280 Member
    I am not here to try to talk you out of surgery.... But please talk to several people who have had the surgery long term... 5 years ago. The rewards for this do not equal the risks in my humble opinion.
  • bweaverband
    bweaverband Posts: 40 Member
    Thanks Lrdoflamancha... But I'm not undergoing this journey for physical appearance. I'm 55 years old, and I have severe degenerative arthritis- especially in my spine. All of my physicians have recommended me for this, and I have been attending classes to prepare me for this since January. Each of these includes former patients presenting who have undergone various procedures long term. So I get ALL the details...good, bad, and ugly- about doing this. I have a team of doctors, and a network of support people locally. I'm really grateful for your concern. You must be a remarkable person to reach out to a total stranger in empathy and care. But I have prayed about this for years. It's truly time for me to do this and get on with living more fully the years I have left. Thank you so much for taking the time to respond.
  • xixshaiyaxix
    xixshaiyaxix Posts: 83 Member
    Hey, I will be having VSG bariatric surgery in less than a week, I am currently on the required liquid diet prior to surgery, I would love to have friends on here that are bariatric patients so that we can be of support to one another. Feel free to add me, thanks =]]