Please HELP



  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,716 Member
    Also, read the success stories on this site. They are so inspiring and helpful. People have amazing stories and there are always little tidbits and tips to pick up because people always ask, "How did you do it?" and everyone has a different method. You may find several things that are helpful that you haven't thought of before.
  • Ciler_80
    Ciler_80 Posts: 106 Member
    U know I do read success stories and I love it. but never tought about it like that. Thank u for the idea
  • jorinya
    jorinya Posts: 933 Member
    Girl, I know how you feel! I have no friends at my children's school, no real friends where I live and no t much support, I'm a stay at home mum too. I can't run around the estate because I am the only white person living here, which really sucks sometimes. Oh, I'm Irish, living in Nigeria, just in case you were wondering what I was talking about. We haven't had electricity in almost 2 weeks (and fuel for the gen can be expensive) so could not do my DVD workout. Add me as a friend I'd you like. We could support each other!!