Getting back to the healthy me

Hi everyone my name is Stacey I'm a soon to be 28 year old mom of one I'm 5 feet tall and currently 205 lbs and I've been married for 5 years. When I first met my husband I was active, had energy was about 60 lbs lighter. I want to get back to that point, I currently feel sluggish and feel like I have no energy/motivation to workout like I use to. I want to get back into shape so I can keep up with my 4 year old son who has non stop energy all day long.
I once lost almost 100 lbs doing the old school weight wagers program from 1990. To me personally weight watchers isn't like it use to be so my girlfriend suggested this app. I know how to eat healthy that isn't my problem my issue is I need to get up and move.
I am excited to start my journey and loose my weight/gain muscle and become healthy and fit again. I would love to find some my fitness pal buddies to cheer on and get support from.


  • Hello there.
    I also struggle with not knowing what I'm doing and feeling motivated to become a healthier me. I know I need a big change. I have struggled with anxiety and depression and that has caused me to emotionally eat. I just need to break that cycle and do something else I suppose.

    I am also married for almost 5 years. I look back to the wedding pictures and I miss that healthy and happy glow I once had. I know i can get back there and so can you. I hope I can encourage you to keep working on your goal.
  • akotlarz1
    akotlarz1 Posts: 12 Member
    I too emotionally eat it's a viscous cycle. I turn to food for a lot of comfort and I am now getting into the habit of not doing that. It's hard but it is a work in progress. My husband is another obsticale he doesn't eat healthy at all. He has never had a weight issue he's 6'3 fit and healthy. I wish I had his genes. I sent you a friend request I hope we can motivate and support each other on our journey!
  • lauranewman130
    lauranewman130 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Stacey! I feel like we have some things in common. I just started 2 days ago and me too, want to get back to the ME I once once..the more energetic, happier, active, and thinner woman I was. After only 2 days I feel like my "old self". I am a bit older than you (my son's 12 now) and I totally can identify with not having the motivation nor energy to work out when you have the kids. I can you tell you this: It doesn't get any easier so just do it now and don't stop. You're only in your 20's enjoy it! I'm in my 40's now and the heaviest I've ever been.AND I know what to do too, just don't do it. I've got to stop making excuses. I am an emotional/stress eater myself. The only way to beat it is to exercise I find for me anyway. When I'm active I cope with my stress better. I just started so I'm not short on enthusiasm right now. But I know myself-- I'll get bored, stressed, it won't be so new and novel and then the real work starts --going to the gym when you don't want to, not blowing it off, not eating b/c you're angry or stressed or just because you don't want to have to think about ONE MORE THING thing in your life!! lol

    Feel free to add me as a friend if you want to connect and motivate one another through this tough but necessary, well-worth-it ride!