Genes take charge and diets fall by wayside.



  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    There were a very few who did not get fat again, but they made staying thin their life’s work...

    There is the key to success.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I do think that when you are obese you will have to spend the rest of your life being vigilant about what you put into your mouth

    The thing is, people who are "thin" are vigilant about what they put in their mouths. My step mom has never been overweight a day in her life. She watches what she eats. There are days when she eats more than normal, and days when she eats less. But for the most part, she is careful and chooses only to eat exactly what she wants and what her body needs.

    People who are overweight have a clouded view of what it must be like to be thin or "normal" and therefore think that those people are just doing whatever they want. But the truth is, they mostly aren't. They are mostly more careful than those of us who have had weight problems. They already understand moderation and portion control. They know that cake isn't something to eat every day. They are vigilant.

    And why is it so horrible to have to spend the rest of your life being vigilant about your food choices? People act like it's the ultimate punishment to have to say "no" to a second slice of pie from now to forever. It's not that bad. You just have to practice until it seems normal - because that's how normal people eat. They don't eat a whole pie. They have a slice and they are done. Moderation will go a long way towards maintenance. And it isn't some sort of horrible purgatory.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    The thing is, people who are "thin" are vigilant about what they put in their mouths. My step mom has never been overweight a day in her life. She watches what she eats. There are days when she eats more than normal, and days when she eats less. But for the most part, she is careful and chooses only to eat exactly what she wants and what her body needs.

    People who are overweight have a clouded view of what it must be like to be thin or "normal" and therefore think that those people are just doing whatever they want. But the truth is, they mostly aren't. They are mostly more careful than those of us who have had weight problems. They already understand moderation and portion control. They know that cake isn't something to eat every day. They are vigilant.

    And why is it so horrible to have to spend the rest of your life being vigilant about your food choices? People act like it's the ultimate punishment to have to say "no" to a second slice of pie from now to forever. It's not that bad. You just have to practice until it seems normal - because that's how normal people eat. They don't eat a whole pie. They have a slice and they are done. Moderation will go a long way towards maintenance. And it isn't some sort of horrible purgatory.

    I haven't been thin my entire adult life, but I don't think you are right.

    I don't think thin people pay that much attention to food at all. Neither to watch what they eat, but more importantly, they don't "get off on food" like fat people do.

    For most, if not all fat people, food isn't about eating. It's about pleasure. My mom and I used to joke over the years about food, "If some is good, more is better!" You seek out special deals on food to maximize the amount you can eat for the least amount of money. "All you can eat" buffets were a combination of challenge to get your money's worth and maximizing the amount of pleasure you can extract from the exercise.

    And the vicious circle of it is, the fatter you get, the more food becomes the one consistent pleasure in life you can count on.

    I don't think thin people have this problem. Thin people don't define pleasure in their life predominantly through food. They don't eat the whole pie because they are behaving, they don't eat the whole pie because they don't feel the need to.