About to lose my mind! Need experienced dieter! I'm just not losing!!?

I don't really know to begin so please bare with me! I've lost and gained at least 5 times in past years so you could call me a yoyo dieter. This is my current situation. I'm 45, started exercising and eating healthy again since the beginning of February so FEBRUARY , MARCH and we are almost at the end of APRIL.... I lost 16 lbs.
I'll have like 1-2 weeks with zero loss then lose like 2 lbs. Right now it's been 3 weeks and I have lost 0!!! I eat pretty clean and have changed my eating habits drastically!
I was eating like 1,250 calories a day and my only exercise was like 40 min brisk walk. Now for the past 2 and a half weeks I've been using the elliptical ( started 15 min a day/5 days a week) now for the past al pay 2 weeks I've been using the elliptical 30-40 min a day and my current week I've done an intense fat burning elliptical workout . Got on the scale this morning and I'm still weighing what I did 3 weeks ago.makes me want to cry seriously. I signed up here to journal what I eat and its suggested that I actually eat about 1,500 calories a day. So I upped my calories to around 1,400ish a day. In order to lose 1.5 lbs a week.
I tried low carb 2 times and it's NOT for me. I know I will not commit to a lifetime change of eating that way. I can however do low fat, medium carbs. I cut out completely fast food. I cut out most of dairy, low sugar. I don't drink sodas and never really did.
I need a diet buddy bad./someone that is committed to sharing tips, suggestions, and not to disappear lol

I just think that for almost 3 months of cutting my calories down by more than 50% I should
Have lost a bit more.


  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    Welcome to the world of healthy eating. You are not going to lose the same amount of weight every week, hence the saying, "Weight loss is not linear". You are going to lose a LOT some weeks, not lose anything at all other weeks, and even gain a pound or two once in a while. Your body is not a machine. Sixteen pounds in less than three months is awesome. I've lost 13 pounds since January and am totally stoked. Stop being obsessed; it took you a lot longer to gain those pounds (probably five or ten pounds a year, tops) than you want to take to lose them. All you'll do at this point is get discouraged and give up, which is the worst thing you can do. Read the posts on the Maintenance Message Board and you will read lots of stories from people who lost the weight slowly, but regularly, and stuck with the program. Best of luck to you.
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    It might be that you are eating more than you think, by not weigheing your food accurately, or it might be that your body is holding onto water as you just recently started a new and intense workout routine, but, as atypicalsmith just said: just be patient, you are doing great. Keep at it.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    She's lost 16 pounds since February. Read her post.
  • Thistooshallpass710
    Thistooshallpass710 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm weighing my foods as well on a digital scale. Logging them down. The only thing I have forgotten to log is a cup of coffee and that has 2 calories so it's not there
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    I have two words for you: water weight. Its the culprit and explains why you have some weeks with no change and others with big change.

    Water weight potential sources: high sodium on any given day, stress, lack of sleep, new fitness routine (causes muscles to need more water), and as women: TOM/hormones. Tends to be temporary, 2-5 days lasting effects.

    I suggest you to compare weighins monthly. Weigh as often as you want, but compare weight now to weight 4 weeks/30 days/1 month ago. That will help you see the overall trend.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    She doesn't need to lose more weight. She's lost 16 pounds since February. Any more and she'll be anorexic.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    16lb is great! how quick u lose depends on how much u have to lose and according to ur profile u only have 29 lbsmore to go. im not too sure why your dissapointed? i lost 15 in that same period and i am ecstatic! some weeks i gained some i stayed the same some i lost. be proud of what u have accomplished and that u did it in a healthy way. it will keep going down just give it time. atypicalsmith why do u say she would be anorexic if she lost more? am i missing something?
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    She doesn't need to lose more weight. She's lost 16 pounds since February. Any more and she'll be anorexic.


    You don't even know her starting weight? How can you say that?
  • Thistooshallpass710
    Thistooshallpass710 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 40 lbs over what I'm comfortable with. I'm short at 5tt 1.5" in height. I never look like what I weigh and weighing 145 lbs I'm a size 6. Sounds impossible but I have pics and I look like I weigh 125 and not muscular at all in fact the opposite lol. I don't go by doctor charts weighing at 110 lbs. I would look like I'm dying. I'm a medium frame.
  • Thistooshallpass710
    Thistooshallpass710 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm at 177, 137 would be great but I felt my best honestly at 145-150 even
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    16lb is great! how quick u lose depends on how much u have to lose and according to ur profile u only have 29 lbsmore to go. im not too sure why your dissapointed? i lost 15 in that same period and i am ecstatic! some weeks i gained some i stayed the same some i lost. be proud of what u have accomplished and that u did it in a healthy way. it will keep going down just give it time. atypicalsmith why do u say she would be anorexic if she lost more? am i missing something?

    Yes, you are definitely missing something. She's not morbidly obese. She started out about 45 pounds overweight, if you count what she says she's already lost and what she has told MFP what she wants to still lose. She's down 16 pounds in only three months and thinks she isn't losing fast enough. I feel that is cause for concern. Of course, I'm just an old lady with nothing else to do.
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    16lb is great! how quick u lose depends on how much u have to lose and according to ur profile u only have 29 lbsmore to go. im not too sure why your dissapointed? i lost 15 in that same period and i am ecstatic! some weeks i gained some i stayed the same some i lost. be proud of what u have accomplished and that u did it in a healthy way. it will keep going down just give it time. atypicalsmith why do u say she would be anorexic if she lost more? am i missing something?

    Yes, you are definitely missing something. She's not morbidly obese. She started out about 45 pounds overweight, if you count what she says she's already lost and what she has told MFP what she wants to still lose. She's down 16 pounds in only three months and thinks she isn't losing fast enough. I feel that is cause for concern. Of course, I'm just an old lady with nothing else to do.

    sorry u had said she shouldnt lose any more. i think u meant she doesnt need to lose quicker than she is..... which i completely agree with
  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    op your doing great. there will be stalls. it will go slower the closer u get. be patient and try and celebrate the small victories, such as lose clothes, better workouts, more energy. the scale isnt the only indicator of improvement!
  • svirds
    svirds Posts: 57 Member
    Your diary is not open, so can't peek there to give advise. A 1-2 pound weight loss per week ON AVERAGE (usually a pound per week on average) is good and lasting. Means you are losing correctly for the long term. There are many factors affecting weight loss - age/hormones, exercise, and certainly calories in and out. I have found that my body is very sensitive to calories within about 100 calories - 1200 I don't lose, 1300 I do, 1400 I don't as easily. You might want to watch that and see if it makes a difference. I'm super active - burn on average 800 - 1200 cals a day. I initially thought I would drop more rapidly because of the exercise, but I don't. I'm 47 - I think menopause has it's drawbacks to weight loss too - it's not impossible, just slower for me. It's been slow and steady - 47 lbs so far!
  • Thistooshallpass710
    Thistooshallpass710 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm learning to navigate this site so I'll check my settings to see how to share my diary
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    We see things on TV where people lose 5-10 pounds or more a week and think we should be able to do the same. Its just not realistic though. 1-2 pounds a week, unless you have something extreme (like 100+ pounds to lose) is good. 16 pounds in 3 months is AWESOME. Yes it can be frustrating to feel like you've lost nothing in the last 2-3 weeks, but some days you need to trust the science and keep going because you know its the right thing to do. And in a week or 5 the scale will show further results. Just not every week.
  • Thistooshallpass710
    Thistooshallpass710 Posts: 16 Member
    Ok my diary is public for now
  • Thistooshallpass710
    Thistooshallpass710 Posts: 16 Member
    Also I haven't hit menopause and at last year's checkup it seems like the doctor felt I was far from it according to my hormone levels, mo they period on time like clockwork still. Still I have no doubt that might have some connection
  • svirds
    svirds Posts: 57 Member
    edited April 2015
    Ok - just peeked at your diary...you might want to watch your sodium levels. They are high for the days you have entered in your food. This might be cause for some water retention and therefore the scale not reflecting a loss. But you know your body best... Continue entering your food with consistency, watching sodium, and it wouldn't surprise me if you see a change. Also, pick one day a week - same day each week - to enter your weight into MFP. If you want to weigh daily, that's fine, but track it only once a week at the same time/day. You will be able to visually see your progress better that way - and it will be tracking more meaningful weight loss that way. You should see a 1/2 to 2 pound a week change. Feel free to friend me if you want more support! You're doing great! I agree with what StaciMarie1974 said... trust the science and trust the process...it's working! 16 pounds is a great loss so far!!
  • Quasita
    Quasita Posts: 1,530 Member
    I put on and lose 15-20lbs a month from hormone changes alone. First two weeks I'm down, then the last two weeks I'll weigh up to 30lbs more than I started the month at.

    Averaging 2lbs/week with less than 50lbs to lose to start with is almost too quick of a loss, and for someone close to menopause (while not there, if your age is in that age range), an age where the metabolism typically slows down, I'd say that you have to be a bit more reasonable.

    Me, I don't lose anything at all if I increase my exercise to a level that drops my NET calories to less than half my daily function need. That is, if your body needs, say, 1800 calories to function, you are eating 1400 calories because you want to lose weight, but then also exercising to a level where you burn 400-600 calories a day, you are effectively giving your body only 800-1000 calories a day to function. This is the average intake level for the anorexia nervosa and bulimia patient. Me, I actually had days where my NET calories were *negative* which means I was actually purging via exercise.

    The reality is, you have increased your activity, but you have not stated that you have increased your intake to properly fuel that activity. Exercise is not what generates the majority of your weight loss... body efficiency and calorie deficits do. However, one of the biggest mistakes people make is believing that to lose weight quickly, they simply need to increase that deficit. At a certain point, the body goes into adaptive measures, some studies suggesting that these adaptive tendencies can form in about 48 hours.

    If I were you, I'd just chill out and stop fretting about the numbers, and focus on eating right and being active. Ultimately, it's the internal numbers that count... The BP, the cholesterol, the vitamins and minerals... The indicators of heart attack and stroke. That's how I measure my success. If I went by weight and BMI, I'd be perpetually depressed.