Crazy? Not counting fruit and/or vegetables



  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hmmm does this mean unlimited avocado?? Sign me up!

    Seriously though, can you maintain a deficit without counting fruits and veggies? Yes, if you don’t eat much else or that much fruit/veggies. I personally don’t see the point of not tracking them, particularly as some can be pretty high in calories (e.g. peas, bananas, apples). Then again, I don’t eat much fruit… or vegetables. :blush: . I like to weigh everything, especially fruit, and just focus on my macros, especially protein.

    It’s really easy to underestimate fruit calories when you’re tracking it (i.e. going by size rather than weight), let alone when you’re not!
  • otheliemoor
    otheliemoor Posts: 50 Member
    edited April 2015
    Meh...Personally I've always logged fruit and berries, because it does contain a bit calories, but mostly to keep a record of what I've eaten and usually I don't weigh it. As an example the pie I had for lunch today the zucchini, Spinach, and Tomato in it contain around 50 calories, nothing compared to the egg, flour, and butter. So I'll eyeball fruit and berries, I'll be a little more accurate if I eat a lot of it.
  • Vixenmd1
    Vixenmd1 Posts: 146 Member
    I did WW to great success (lost 75 lbs on WW online and kept it off for a few years). Your daily points are structured to take into account your veggies. It didn't include avocado or strach veggies. It would not work where you have a calorie goal that didn't take into account a few hundred from veggies the way the WW points allowance does.
    Now that I am doing MFP I am counting everything since my calorie goal assumes that I am tracking everything I eat vs when I was on WW and it was assuming I wasn't counting veggies but built it in that I was eating them. My advice don't try to do half of one program and half of the other one (if that is what you were thinking of doing). My weight loss is about the same on MFP as when I did WW online.
  • sugarpeas
    sugarpeas Posts: 56 Member
    I'm not at WW and never have been. I didn't count the veggies/fruit while using MFP when I first started using this system.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Vixenmd1 wrote: »
    I did WW to great success (lost 75 lbs on WW online and kept it off for a few years). Your daily points are structured to take into account your veggies. It didn't include avocado or strach veggies. It would not work where you have a calorie goal that didn't take into account a few hundred from veggies the way the WW points allowance does.
    Now that I am doing MFP I am counting everything since my calorie goal assumes that I am tracking everything I eat vs when I was on WW and it was assuming I wasn't counting veggies but built it in that I was eating them. My advice don't try to do half of one program and half of the other one (if that is what you were thinking of doing). My weight loss is about the same on MFP as when I did WW online.

    Exactly. Look at it like this: a cup of passion fruit and a couple of large bananas and you will undo your whole deficit if you're going for a 500 calorie deficit. I believe the new WW system has 800-1000 base calories? Either way, their base calories are low to account for "free" stuff, and it's assumed that most people don't consume a lot of them anyway.
  • seska422
    seska422 Posts: 3,217 Member
    sugarpeas wrote: »
    I'm not at WW and never have been. I didn't count the veggies/fruit while using MFP when I first started using this system.
    What's special about fruits and veggies that isolated them as things that you wouldn't count? They still have calories.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited April 2015
    seska422 wrote: »
    sugarpeas wrote: »
    I'm not at WW and never have been. I didn't count the veggies/fruit while using MFP when I first started using this system.
    What's special about fruits and veggies that isolated them as things that you wouldn't count? They still have calories.

    They're generally lower in calories than other foods. She does count them now, but she was probably wondering why she lost without counting them in the beginning.

    OP if you have your calories at 1200, and since you have more than 50 pounds to lose you were likely still at a deficit (didn't eat a lot of fruits and vegetables). That and when you first start dieting you drop a few pounds of water weight, so even if you did eat enough to cancel out your deficit you would have still lost when you switched from eating high starch/sugar to more fiber/water.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Fruits and veg have calories. Programs like WW don't count them as to get people to eat more of them as most veg is pretty low it's not likely someone is going to eat enough to blow their targets up. Also, to compensate, WW does inflate the point value of other food items.

    Fruit can be calorie dense though and I believe the even WW only allows one serving as "free".

    As someone who eats a ton of fruit and veg and pretty healthfully in general, I can attest to the fact that you can still gain weight eating "right" still comes down to calories and energy balance.
  • sarahlifts
    sarahlifts Posts: 610 Member
    I'm having 60 g of avocado on my salad later today. Avocado 60g =100 calories. TRACK your fruits and veggies. If it has cals track them.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    sugarpeas wrote: »
    I'm not at WW and never have been. I didn't count the veggies/fruit while using MFP when I first started using this system.

    this system=count all the things
  • brynnsmom
    brynnsmom Posts: 945 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    I eat pounds of vegetables daily. they make the bulk of my caloric intake. if i didnt count them i could easily go over.

    ^This, I eat tons of vegetables - and some can be pretty calorie dense. I have a 400 gram sweet potato to cook for dinner tonight. That's over 300 calories.

  • MakePeasNotWar
    MakePeasNotWar Posts: 1,329 Member
    If you are counting anything, you might as well count everything.

    It's true that fruit and veggies may fill you up and displace higher-calorie items, and therefore aid weight loss, but that is not guaranteed, and even if it were, if you are trying to figure out how many calories you are eating, you have to include all sources.
  • sugarpeas
    sugarpeas Posts: 56 Member
    alright, cool cool.
  • PJ3937
    PJ3937 Posts: 13 Member
    Nice discussion. Gave me much to consider (as a former failed WW member) I can't seem to eat enough veggies that would cause me to stuff myself. I didn't get fat on the high fiber, low carb veggies. I could easily overeat fruit, esp. fresh. I just love MFP. Makes it easy to keep track of cals., carbs, exercise. I love the feedback. Makes me hopeful I will lose weight by keeping a deficit going. I've lost alm 3lbs in a week. Which is good for me and my post menopause body. Good luck to you all. Pam