HI Everyone! I just joined this site in hopes that I will commit myself to a healthier diet by tracking what I eat daily. I'm looking for friends that can keep me motivated and I'll do the same for y'all. I'm also looking for anyone that can give me tips on how to eat healthier and get some exercise in even though I work at an office all day long. I work form 8am to 7pm and when I get home I'm not really in the mood to work out. Any advice for how to get some exercise in while I'm at work. Thanks in advance and add me as a friend if interested.


  • yellowclay5
    yellowclay5 Posts: 1 Member
    Welcome! When you say you are looking for ways to eat healthy what specifically do you mean? I find most people KNOW what they are supposed to do they just have a hard time doing it. Are you wanting new recipes? Quick breakfasts? Or are you really not sure what healthy is?
  • battyg13
    battyg13 Posts: 508 Member
    Hi Im also fairly new.

    With diet its a case of mind over matter to start with but then your body will be more use to the healthy food after about 3 weeks and its auto response will be to reach for celery or carrots rather than chocolate.

    The 1st thing to ideally do is log your food intake today and then look at it to see what you can cut out and what you can replace with a healthier option.

    An easy one is swapping white bread pasta and rice for wholemeal versions.

    Eat in moderation. Dont keep eating until you are full. set aside a certain amount of calories for each meal. This is where the will power comes into play.

    Also change the coffee tea and juice drinks for glasses of water. i find this can help curb the hunger feeling slightly as well.