Who wants to lose 10 to 15 pds with me?



  • arv51862
    arv51862 Posts: 115 Member
    I do WANT to loose that much, perhaps a little more. And I know from some of the reality shows that I watch that it is possible. But there is a point where you need to look at not only what is possible, but what is safe, & what is healthy. My first thoughts would be to error on the side of health & safety & lower you monthly goals to 5 - 10 pounds. In your case, obviously wanting to diet aggressively, 10 pounds would be an aggressive goal. I would be more inclined to encourage others to keep health & safety in mind & set reasonable goals. If you set a goal of 5 & hit it, you can pat yourself on the back for knowing that you are taking steps in the right direction & your so far successful. What if you set a goal of 15 &'only' loose 9 ? Have you failed ? I don't think so, but some would. We should be setting ourselves up for success (even if they are smaller successes). Whatever you cut your calories to, make sure that your nutitional needs are being met along the way.
    MFP is an AWESOME tool to help manage your weight, use it, follow it, it will work for you if you are honest & do it right.