Am I starving myself?



  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    edited April 2015
    DirrtyH wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    How well are your expected deficits correlating with actual weight loss?
    How long have you been in a caloric deficit with these kinds of high deficits?

    I keep bouncing back and fourth to the same weight and can't seem to push past it. At times I will gain a few pounds then takes a week or so to get back to my originally weight. I never seem to able to push past this current weight?. I have been at these deficits since I guess I started MFP but have increased my exercise levels in the last month which has taken me more into defect. I would have thought that given my high deficits I would be consistently losing, but I'm not? So something's not right?.

    It's likely that your deficit isn't as big as you think it is. How do you determine the sizes of the portions you log?

    It doesn't sound like you're starving yourself. You say you feel good, have high energy, and aren't dropping weight like crazy.... so it's not likely you're eating too little.

    I weigh and measure everything I eat so i'm pretty certain my logging is as correct as it can be. I don't think my burns are true, thus my deficit isn't true.

    And when did you say the last time you lost weight was? (not counting the bouncing back and forth) And when you say you upped your activity level in the past month, what does this include?

    It does look like your logging is pretty precise.

    It's got to be weeks ago, I go up and stay there for a while then take days/weeks to get back to the starting point. Ie: Im at the same weight today as I was March 15th and have gone back and forth since then. I have double up on cardio twice a week for the last month or so this is in addition to my usual training sessions.

    When you say you've doubled up on cardio twice a week...
    Exactly how much are you exercising right now? What is your weekly routine?

    ^ This. It would be helpful to know what you're doing to see if it could possibly be water retention due to a more strenuous exercise routine.

    Regardless, if you aren't losing weight, I would not suggest upping your calorie goal.
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    DirrtyH wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    How well are your expected deficits correlating with actual weight loss?
    How long have you been in a caloric deficit with these kinds of high deficits?

    I keep bouncing back and fourth to the same weight and can't seem to push past it. At times I will gain a few pounds then takes a week or so to get back to my originally weight. I never seem to able to push past this current weight?. I have been at these deficits since I guess I started MFP but have increased my exercise levels in the last month which has taken me more into defect. I would have thought that given my high deficits I would be consistently losing, but I'm not? So something's not right?.

    It's likely that your deficit isn't as big as you think it is. How do you determine the sizes of the portions you log?

    It doesn't sound like you're starving yourself. You say you feel good, have high energy, and aren't dropping weight like crazy.... so it's not likely you're eating too little.

    I weigh and measure everything I eat so i'm pretty certain my logging is as correct as it can be. I don't think my burns are true, thus my deficit isn't true.

    And when did you say the last time you lost weight was? (not counting the bouncing back and forth) And when you say you upped your activity level in the past month, what does this include?

    It does look like your logging is pretty precise.

    It's got to be weeks ago, I go up and stay there for a while then take days/weeks to get back to the starting point. Ie: Im at the same weight today as I was March 15th and have gone back and forth since then. I have double up on cardio twice a week for the last month or so this is in addition to my usual training sessions.

    When you say you've doubled up on cardio twice a week...
    Exactly how much are you exercising right now? What is your weekly routine?

    So take this week as a typical week:
    Monday: 2 x 5k runs
    Tuesday; 45 mins circuit weight session
    Wednesday: Zumba + 45 mins on the elliptical trainer & treadmill
    Today: 45 mins body balance class
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I apologize if this has been asked, but you said MFP has your calories set at 1430 is that calculated based on you having a sedentary lifestyle or an active one? ( I workout 5-6 days a week but have mine set as sedentary because I sit at a desk all day and I like to log my exercise) If you have it set as active lifestyle then the exercise calorie burn would already be factored into that # so you would not need to eat them back, but if you have it set up as sedentary and log your exercise then yes you should be eating atleast 50% of them back. Just my $0.02

  • ShannonMK9
    ShannonMK9 Posts: 65 Member
    Something to keep in mind when you are working out, muscle weighs more (for the same volume) than fat, so you may be losing inches faster than weight as you tighten and tone your muscles. 1 pound a week is the healthy recommended maintainable weight lose goal so you are doing good. Try not to focus on the scale as it doesn't give the full story - what is your measurements, can you perform better on your workouts, and how do you feel overall? Eating more calories on your heavier workout days will help you as well, your body does need fuel. Good luck :smiley:
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    DirrtyH wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    How well are your expected deficits correlating with actual weight loss?
    How long have you been in a caloric deficit with these kinds of high deficits?

    I keep bouncing back and fourth to the same weight and can't seem to push past it. At times I will gain a few pounds then takes a week or so to get back to my originally weight. I never seem to able to push past this current weight?. I have been at these deficits since I guess I started MFP but have increased my exercise levels in the last month which has taken me more into defect. I would have thought that given my high deficits I would be consistently losing, but I'm not? So something's not right?.

    It's likely that your deficit isn't as big as you think it is. How do you determine the sizes of the portions you log?

    It doesn't sound like you're starving yourself. You say you feel good, have high energy, and aren't dropping weight like crazy.... so it's not likely you're eating too little.

    I weigh and measure everything I eat so i'm pretty certain my logging is as correct as it can be. I don't think my burns are true, thus my deficit isn't true.

    And when did you say the last time you lost weight was? (not counting the bouncing back and forth) And when you say you upped your activity level in the past month, what does this include?

    It does look like your logging is pretty precise.

    It's got to be weeks ago, I go up and stay there for a while then take days/weeks to get back to the starting point. Ie: Im at the same weight today as I was March 15th and have gone back and forth since then. I have double up on cardio twice a week for the last month or so this is in addition to my usual training sessions.

    When you say you've doubled up on cardio twice a week...
    Exactly how much are you exercising right now? What is your weekly routine?

    So take this week as a typical week:
    Monday: 2 x 5k runs
    Tuesday; 45 mins circuit weight session
    Wednesday: Zumba + 45 mins on the elliptical trainer & treadmill
    Today: 45 mins body balance class

    You might be overdoing it a bit. I could be wrong, I'm not an expert. But that seems taxing, and that will cause your body to hold onto water weight.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories?
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    DirrtyH wrote: »
    DirrtyH wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    How well are your expected deficits correlating with actual weight loss?
    How long have you been in a caloric deficit with these kinds of high deficits?

    I keep bouncing back and fourth to the same weight and can't seem to push past it. At times I will gain a few pounds then takes a week or so to get back to my originally weight. I never seem to able to push past this current weight?. I have been at these deficits since I guess I started MFP but have increased my exercise levels in the last month which has taken me more into defect. I would have thought that given my high deficits I would be consistently losing, but I'm not? So something's not right?.

    It's likely that your deficit isn't as big as you think it is. How do you determine the sizes of the portions you log?

    It doesn't sound like you're starving yourself. You say you feel good, have high energy, and aren't dropping weight like crazy.... so it's not likely you're eating too little.

    I weigh and measure everything I eat so i'm pretty certain my logging is as correct as it can be. I don't think my burns are true, thus my deficit isn't true.

    And when did you say the last time you lost weight was? (not counting the bouncing back and forth) And when you say you upped your activity level in the past month, what does this include?

    It does look like your logging is pretty precise.

    It's got to be weeks ago, I go up and stay there for a while then take days/weeks to get back to the starting point. Ie: Im at the same weight today as I was March 15th and have gone back and forth since then. I have double up on cardio twice a week for the last month or so this is in addition to my usual training sessions.

    When you say you've doubled up on cardio twice a week...
    Exactly how much are you exercising right now? What is your weekly routine?

    So take this week as a typical week:
    Monday: 2 x 5k runs
    Tuesday; 45 mins circuit weight session
    Wednesday: Zumba + 45 mins on the elliptical trainer & treadmill
    Today: 45 mins body balance class

    You might be overdoing it a bit. I could be wrong, I'm not an expert. But that seems taxing, and that will cause your body to hold onto water weight.

    Do you eat back your exercise calories?

    No I don't eat any of my calorie back. Retention may be a contributing factor for sure.
  • primrose2572
    primrose2572 Posts: 58 Member
    ShannonMK9 wrote: »
    Something to keep in mind when you are working out, muscle weighs more (for the same volume) than fat, so you may be losing inches faster than weight as you tighten and tone your muscles. 1 pound a week is the healthy recommended maintainable weight lose goal so you are doing good. Try not to focus on the scale as it doesn't give the full story - what is your measurements, can you perform better on your workouts, and how do you feel overall? Eating more calories on your heavier workout days will help you as well, your body does need fuel. Good luck :smiley:

    I wish I took measurements at the start, seems pointless to start now as I my body has changed quite a bit. I know I shouldn't be a slave to the scales, but I can't help it
  • marsia1234
    marsia1234 Posts: 40 Member
    Just because you ou lost a 1lb doesn't mean that that is just fat. You could have lost more fat but your muscle mass went up. And more muscle burns more fat!
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    "Am I starving myself"

    Do you look like this? Then no - definitely not. Next question ...


    How is this even a question?

    Do folks really not understand starvation?
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    marsia1234 wrote: »
    Just because you ou lost a 1lb doesn't mean that that is just fat. You could have lost more fat but your muscle mass went up. And more muscle burns more fat!

    She's not doing anything that would increase her muscle mass.

  • mpovlsen
    mpovlsen Posts: 8 Member
    I set my calorie intake around 1200 I don't mind going a few over. I workout 1 hr a day. I've lost 12 pounds in two weeks so far. I bought the fitbit charge HR to have a better view on calories I burn on my own. "Walking,sleeping, cleaning house etc.. " my fitbit can also tell when I workout and marks it for me.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited April 2015
    It's got to be weeks ago, I go up and stay there for a while then take days/weeks to get back to the starting point. Ie: Im at the same weight today as I was March 15th and have gone back and forth since then. I have double up on cardio twice a week for the last month or so this is in addition to my usual training sessions.

    Open an account at

    In the import section it allows you to import weight data from a CSV file.

    Input the weight data you have (I assume you have weight data in MFP) and check to see your trend and slope of your weight loss.

    There have been a lot of times I thought I wasn't losing anything, and yet time and again I found out that I was still right on track (and once that I wasn't for two weeks, but then continued normally).

    When weighing daily it is nice to be able to see what is noise and what is a trend.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    Has it been ruled out that you have any medical issues that could be affecting you? There was recently a thread where someone with a hernia retained more than 10lbs of water weight or something similar. And there are certainly a slew of other conditions that could make it very hard to lose weight too.

    Separately, I believe you have a Fitbit.

    So far I've seen two camps of fitbit users:
    Camp A: "Fitbit adjustment works fine for me and I pretty much eat it all back"
    Camp B: "I am concerned about eating back my fitbit adjustment and I've heard that I shouldn't eat back my exercise calories so I am either not eating back any, or eating back 50% when I am extremely hungry".

    I haven't seen too many Camp C people: I tried eating back my Fitbit adjustment and it didn't work out. I had to dial things down again and again till I got to xx% which is where my expected and actual weight loss matched.