Fight through depression physically invite

I am inviting anyone, depressed or not to join and share thier experience and knowledge with all. Please help me help others.


  • Danishack1390
    Danishack1390 Posts: 11 Member
    I also run a group called free religion fitness, if interested.
  • literaryspirit
    literaryspirit Posts: 7 Member
    I struggle with anxiety and depression. I have for years. I am still not sure how to deal with it. I may go see a counselor soon since I have anxiety. I think that finding some kind of help or support group is the best thing, as I avoided that for years.
  • sarapesek
    sarapesek Posts: 9 Member
    Exercise is the best thing for me!

    I have been struggling with anxiety for a long time (diagnosed a year and a half ago) and good sweaty cardio sessions are the best medicine I've found.

    Science supports it as well, the endorphins released that give you that "runner's high" do a great job of counteracting depression and anxiety.

    It's true, sometimes it seems impossible to get to the gym when all you want to do is cover your head with a blanket and just try to get through the day. But if you break it into steps it's a lot easier.

    1. Get out of bed
    2. Put your gym shoes on
    3. Put your shoes on
    4. Get out the door (some days take longer than others between steps)

    I make a deal with myself. If I'm still not feeling like running after 5 minutes, I'll stop. So far, it's only happened once.

    I've also noticed that if I can be outside around trees or mountains, the effects are magnified significantly.

    Anyone else who is out there battling with anxiety or depression, please try exercise. Your shredded nerves with thank you! Happy to chat with anyone who is struggling. I know how it feels.
  • r5d5
    r5d5 Posts: 219 Member
    I struggle with anxiety and depression. I have for years. I am still not sure how to deal with it. I may go see a counselor soon since I have anxiety. I think that finding some kind of help or support group is the best thing, as I avoided that for years.

    Definitely seek help! It took me a while to, but I am so glad I did. These aren't things you have to go through alone, and having someone there to guide you and give you tools to manage whatever you have is so helpful! I'd struggled with depression and anxiety and it really was affecting my every day life. After seeing a counselor, I'm learning coping strategies and how to combat the negative thoughts I have. You don't have to be alone in this. I hope you're able to find someone to help you! <3<3
  • LosingitinLondon
    LosingitinLondon Posts: 15 Member
    I think this sounds like a great idea. Exercise really helps with my anxiety and depression. I’m not very familiar with the groups on here and can’t find it – is it possible to post a link?
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,145 Member
    Exercise only lessens my depressive thoughts. It's still there and doesn't go away. I've just learned to work around it 90% of the time. The 10% where I can't control my thoughts and actions, I do my best to be in a "safe" place where the damage will be minimized as much as I can help it. I have a breakdown about 4 times a year. I wish I was one of those depressed persons who can get theirs "fixed" via counselling and/or medication.