Looking for input on shakes

happywithme12 Posts: 477 Member
Ok so I am trying to help my 10 year old loose weight and I didn't buy any junk food this week at all when I went shopping, only fruits. I made her a shake last night to have for breakfast this morning with a mix of strawberry, bananna, mango, blueberry, rasberry and i threw in some broccoli and carrots which you can't taste as I had the same shake this morning. The only thing I found is that it is very filling very quick. I have the single serve ninja cups and machine and I only got down about half and couldn't have anymore. I mean I feel full so I am sure she probably is as well after only eating a quarter of hers. She did mention that she liked the peanut butter one better that I used to make that was on the Dr Oz show. I am tryng to put as little processed foods in it as possible because I think fresher is better and I use water as the liquid instead of juice to make it healthier. Does anyone have any ideas for maybe peanut butter shakes that have little to no other processed ingrediants that will taste good to a 10 year old and are also healthy. I will not use protein powder in hers either especially since peanut butter has enough protein for her by itself.