Macro help

I'm 5ft6 and 45kg. Putting on weight has been a bit of struggle the few years and I was wondering if someone could give me some help with the correct marco's that I should be having, I've looked at several websites and they all say different things, so it's hard to know what's right.
I work at a stables which burns up a lot of cals and energy and can be draining I've not not had enough to eat before hand.
Can someone please give me some advise and what would be the best type of foods to eat?


  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Most studies say that around 0.8 gr / pound of body weight for protein.
    I personally do 1.0+ gr for protein.

    Fat you can do at 0.40 gr / pound of body fat minimum.

    Carbs can make up the remainder of your needed calories.