New again...

Hi all,

I'm a foodie/emotional eater... I utilized MFP for about a year...last year, and lost 50 lbs. Needless to say, I abandoned the site & gained that 50 back. I'm either on the not giving a frig or the completely obsessive spectrum when it comes to weight loss. My true issue: I have a toxic relationship with food and I need to work on that. My overall wellness was much more favorable when I ate right and exercised most days; I was happier all around.

I want that back! I want the healthier me! Although I've packed on the lbs again, I'm pleased that the physical stamina I previously gained has not completely diminished, so I guess I'm still ahead than originally.

I've tried to use this site a few times since my longest run without adding friends (embarrassed maybe?!), but that didn't work; I've found that a great support system works wonders on keeping up with my healthier lifestyle. anyone interested, add me as a friend; I promise I'll be here to support you in return!


  • KaraLee69
    KaraLee69 Posts: 57 Member
    I think a lot of us here are emotional eaters or addicted to food....I still have my days, but have lost 60lbs over the course of 2 years, and while I am stuck at the moment and have not lost in a few months, I also have not gained or given up. Feel free to read my profile and if you think we would be good cheerleaders for each other send me a request!