Feeling more hungry lately

faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
edited April 2015 in Food and Nutrition
I've been more hungry lately. I've been staying around 1200 calories for a couple months and feeling fine, but I've been feeling hungry between meals in the past week.

I've increased my exercise a bit, and I've been incorporating more fruit in my diet. I know an increase in exercise can cause hunger, but can an increase in sugar?

Also, I've been experiencing a short intense headache, blurred vision, and dizziness often when I stand. From what I can tell from googling, it seems this could be from a drop in blood pressure due to dehydration or too little salt in my diet. I've been trying to drink more water, without improvement. Anyone else experience this?



  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    Also looking for suggestions for hunger. I've tried switching things up, eating a bigger breakfast, eat breakfast later, etc. I still start to get hungry around 9am and my stomach is growling by 10. I hate being hungry all the time!! In the afternoon I'll try to cope by having a couple bottles of water, it does very little to help and by the time I get home I pretty much NEED to snack on something while making dinner. My calorie allowance is 1480, and that is set to lose 1 pound per week.
  • keelyjrs
    keelyjrs Posts: 62 Member
    I seem to get more hungry because I'm thinking about food more, like how it's going to fit in my calories and macros. I'm on 1600 cals and easily fit in snacks and treats like a chocolate bar or something. A lot of people on here suggest increasing fats or protein which I have to say does seem to fill me up for longer
    1200 is awfully low, maybe you just need more calories, especially if you are exercising too
  • Apud85
    Apud85 Posts: 74 Member
    edited April 2015
    Try eating more protein during your meals. I really like the ThinkThin chocolate peanut butter protein bars. They're 250 calories and 0g sugar, so sometimes I split them and eat one half between breakfast/lunch and the other before dinner. They seem to keep my hunger under control until the next meal.

    I also have a couple of packs of fruity gum in my purse, so if I'm out shopping or didn't pack a snack for the day, then I'll just chew a couple of pieces.

    Worth noting ... I found that I get hungrier depending on where I am in my cycle. Hormones!
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    I agree more protein-- I don't know how people can only eat 1200 calories for months-I think my lunch today was 1000 calories-- Congrats if its working!!
  • lynnefaires
    lynnefaires Posts: 5 Member
    Sugar in fruit, carbohydrates (rice, sweet potato, bread etc) will all cause a spike in blood sugar and the crash is why you are feeling hungry. Protein and fat (avocados, coconut oil, olive oil, coconut milk, nuts, seeds) will help you feel more full for longer! And yes, you can do this on a low-cal diet
  • faithan84
    faithan84 Posts: 717 Member
    Thanks for the suggestions! I have been thinking of increasing my protein, and I'm usually good on healthy fats. I'll cut back on the fruit. :( Hopefully it will help!

    The 1200/day restriction is for losing 2 pounds a week, and I usually do eat more on days I exercise. I'm down about 70 pounds total, so just trying to micromanage things so I can stay on track!

  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    If you feel hungry you must eat more calories. There's no other way around it. I know you've done a phenomenal job losing 70 lbs and you want to keep the ball rolling but when you start feeling dizziness, blurred vision, and headaches then it's time to prioritize your health first, not the numbers.

  • kshay89
    kshay89 Posts: 15 Member
    You might try eating several small meals throughout the day, instead of 3 regular meals. It will help to stabilize your blood sugar to keep it from spiking or dropping and keep you from feeling hungry as often.

    It could also just be your body crying for more food. It might be worthwhile to up your calories a little bit for a while to see if it helps. As I'm sure you know, health is so much more than weight. It doesn't matter what you weigh or how many calories you eat, if your body isn't getting the nutrition it needs. And everyone's needs are different, of course.

    Good luck!