Really getting started??

Hello! My name is Amanda and I am 25. I joined myfitnesspal a while ago. I have been struggling with my weight for a few years now and I would just love to maybe meet some friends who could help me. My main problem is exercise! I moved from Pennsylvania to Mass about a year ago and have definitely done better with eating and have lost about 15 pounds. But I really want to start working out but I just do not know how! I have joined gyms in the past but have always stopped going after a few times, mostly from feeling insecure as well as unsure. My fiancé also struggles with his weight and wants to join a gym, but doesn't want me to because he "knows I won't go".

. I'm just feeling sort of hopeless lately over it all.

What are my options? It seems like everyone is into running-I don't have a lot of friends, so I just am really here I guess to find some inspiration/advice/anything. Thank you!!

My apologies if this is a bit rambling-I'm just a little emotional about finally making a post on here!!


  • smcm307
    smcm307 Posts: 7
    I belonged to Curves for awhile - I am not sure if they have them where you are. But it is for women only - may be a way to meet some new people - and if it works well, it may give you the confidence to join & stay committed to a gym.

    Good Luck!
  • shelbyjane2007
    shelbyjane2007 Posts: 44 Member
    Just from your postyou sound a lot like me. I started out watching what i ate with MFP. Then easter sunday i saw a picture that someone had taken of me and i decided then that i was done with being fat. I started running that week. That was almost 12 weeks ago and i feel great. I run and stay within a 1500 cal diet and also drink lots of water. I started out with a group of friends. Out of the group im the only one that is still taking it serious besides one other girl. Its the best gift i have ever given myself. Youcan do it. Add me and ill try to keep you motivated :) SW: 207 CW:180
  • CoachChrisD
    CoachChrisD Posts: 207 Member
    hey everybody, feel free to add me as well, been on MFP for more then a year and lost 60+lbs already
  • amandalyn26
    amandalyn26 Posts: 24 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks so much for your comments. Ill definitely add you!
  • Hello, My name is Donna and I am 55 years old. I have been in very good shape all my life except when I was pregnant with 2 children (now adults).

    Now I am out of shape............................

    I need to get back on track again........

    I could use some supports, suggestions, and motivation..............

    I am open to all ideas......................thanks
  • TotalTory
    TotalTory Posts: 59
    One day at a time - that is all it takes. You can do this. Maybe start out with some home videos - like the Jillian Michaels or another one. I know people that have done those and got results and that lead to the use of a gym. Just find what works for you. Good Luck
  • Cheeky_0102
    Cheeky_0102 Posts: 408 Member
    you could try to find a gym that has a good drop in rate, or that doesn't force you into contracts. Your fiance doesn't sound very supportive of you, but then again, i kind of roll my eyes a little when people think they want to get in shape and the first thing they do is sign a contract with the gym.

    I would start with the 30 day shred at home. (if you are fitter try insanity, turbofire, p90x) if you can stick with it for 30 days/6 weeks (i try for weekdays and give myself the weekend off) Then maybe you are rady for the gym?
  • jojoboxing
    jojoboxing Posts: 118 Member
    I'm in NY and it has been raining a lot so it might be the same in MA. Maybe you could both just try walking together as a couple for 15-30minutes/day in the morning or after dinner. Don't call it a workout but maybe just "time together". Perhaps walk to some destination that does not involve a food reward. Watching what I eat and walking allowed me to drop 17 pounds in 4 weeks. i quit my gym because I was wasting money. I have a reward to join a gym once I hit a certain goal weight. Good luck. Feel free to add me.

    Congrats on losing 15lbs!
  • amandalyn26
    amandalyn26 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks so much guys-I am happy I am finally adding some friends on here because I think I just need support to really get me going. I have used at home DVDs and think its time to be consistent
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    I'm in NY and it has been raining a lot so it might be the same in MA. Maybe you could both just try walking together as a couple for 15-30minutes/day in the morning or after dinner. Don't call it a workout but maybe just "time together". Perhaps walk to some destination that does not involve a food reward. Watching what I eat and walking allowed me to drop 17 pounds in 4 weeks. i quit my gym because I was wasting money. I have a reward to join a gym once I hit a certain goal weight. Good luck. Feel free to add me.

    Congrats on losing 15lbs!

    Yes! This is a great solution!
  • hrod215
    hrod215 Posts: 163 Member
    I can absolutely relate! I started trying to lose weight in January. At 170 I was extremely insecure especially since this isn't my first battle with weight loss. I started at 200+ lbs back in 2007 and got down to 150. Had two more kids and let my self slack. But I decided you know what??? If these people cant understand my struggle and that I have to start somewhere, then TOUGH! I started doing classes, going at my own pace. Yea I failed miserably at first but you know what? I'm glad I didn't give up! Trust me, you can't worry about anyone else, and most likely they are pretty self absorbed in what they are doing to pay much attention to anyone else anyway.

    Try the workout videos for now, you will love the rush you feel afterwards so much that eventually you will work up the nerve to join a gym. Do what YOU want to do for YOURSELF! Good luck! And feel free to add me.:flowerforyou: