stronglifts neck an back pain???

hi. I posted a couple of days ago for weight lifting maybe yesterday I don't remember. people recommended strong lifts. I tried the squat one with an empty bar and weights and it makes my back and neck hurt. I watched the videos and tried my best to copy their stance and where the bar was placed. can anyone help me correct my form? I can't keep it up if it hurts my neck especially. any form tips are appreciated!


  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    It'd be difficult to examine your form without seeing it. Exactly what kind of pain are you experiencing (muscle, joint, skin irritation) and where? Where do you position the bar? can you actually get down into proper squat position without the bar? If you can post a video or even some pics we could probably give some good pointers.

  • myaminals
    myaminals Posts: 197 Member
    I can't post a video I don't have access my phone is older and no video camera. the bar winds up pushing on my neck and very top of my back. I don't think I am doing the squats right??? I guess it would be joint and muscle pain?
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    To see what the squat should look like, look at a toddler when they squat down to play with something on the floor, It's pretty much perfect squat form, now apply that to yourself.

    The bar should ride on your traps, not your neck. Grip the bar with your hands close together, elbows back, and tense your back muscles like you're trying to pinch something between your shoulder blades, hold that tension all the way through the lift, this forces your chest out and helps you maintain form, as well as flexing your traps to give the bar somewhere to sit other than your spine.

    Engage your core muscles and don't hinge forward at the hips, you're not bending, you're squatting. Drop into the squat position butt out and chest out, don't round your back. As you come to the top of the lift, drive your hips forward and lock out the lift.

    All the way through the lift the weight should be evenly distributed on your feet (not on your toes) the bar should stay centered over your feet, knees in line with your toes. If your knees dip inward or push outward you're going to snap something up, don't do that.

    Start small and work up, if you can't get into the squat position without any weight then you have no business doing it with a bar until you can.

  • myaminals
    myaminals Posts: 197 Member
    thank you I will try to position myself that way