Can you keep track of sodium intake?

I really need help with the low sodium part of my diet. For instance, what do you use to season vegetables and meat.


  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    I like Mrs. Dash Table Blend. :smile:
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    Yes, you can track sodium here on mfp. I have to watch my sodium, too. That doesn't mean I can't use any salt, though. I just have to limit it. You can make your own seasoning blends - just minus the salt, or much less salt. You can find tons of seasoning blend recipes online.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    You can change the things you're tracking in the Food settings so you can see how much sodium you're getting every day. Watch the entries you're using, though, to make sure that the sodium content is listed in the user created entries (with an asterisk).
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    I use all kinds of spices and herbs & Mr Dash ( all kinds) and Kernels Seasonings.
    I cant add salt to any of my food ( medical reasons)

    You will find all new ways to season your foods like (basilica) vinegar, lemon, mustard ( has salt but i can use a bit)

    My max. salt intake cant go over 1500mg a day. But most days i am even (much) lower then that :)

    Tonight however a buffet sooo tomorrow i suffer for it. hehehe
  • segacs
    segacs Posts: 4,599 Member
    Cutting out or back on the three biggest sodium culprits can go a long way towards reducing sodium in most average North American diets:
    • Fast food
    • Commercial sauces and marinades
    • Canned soup

  • kirstfk
    kirstfk Posts: 21 Member
    DONT use low salt. First thing I was told at the cardiac unit when a family member was seriously ill and now has to be on a low salt diet. It is difficult at first but adding a touch of lemon juice, especially to meat, can trick your taste buds into believing it's salted. Use fresh herbs, ginger, pepper or even vinegar.....its taste and try really. Be wary of dried herbs, especially mixed herbs which tend to have a fair bit of salt in them. Try and eat fresh and avoid processed food as much as possible. I even make my own bread without salt now and tweak it by adding a couple of drops fresh lemon juice to the warm water before I add don't taste the lemon, it's just enough to fool the taste buds. After a few weeks your palette has changed anyway and you won't want salt the same
    Good luck with it, you will definitely notice a health benefit :)