my 30 day shred

started today, day one completed, level 1
I will use this board as my commitment board, posting everytime I complete it
feel free to post as well
also, im looking to see quick results, would it hurt to do it multiple times a day, like in the morning and at night?


  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    day two completed, feel beat again, I kinda though this was going to be easier, but I guess im kind of glad it isn't. but im able to finish with small breaks, which are really just me shaking out my legs because my quads feel so bad during this video, lol.
    but I shake em out and jump right back in
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    day three completed completely beat after that workout, ready for a nice long shower
  • judykat7
    judykat7 Posts: 576 Member

    You might enjoy joining this thread. It is very similar to yours and there are several folks on it that started at or around the 1st of June.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    thanks, and I do
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    day 4 completed for me
    I have a few problems though, I still for the life of me cant do the pushups
    and in the first circuit the squat/should press kills my shoulder, I always take a break the second time
    and that move doesn't appear to burn my quads, or my mind is only focused on the shoulders, but when I get to the cardio, jumping jacks and jump rope, my quads begin to die out on me and I have to break to shake em out. but I used to be able to do them forever,

    other than that, im pretty solid till the very end, and those bicycle crunches, destroy me, so I stop half way through take a 5 sec break and finish with regular crunches
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    and I has completed day 5, 1/6 of the way completed!!!!
  • HealthierFoodie
    HealthierFoodie Posts: 27 Member
    Awesome! I'm starting it on Monday- I'm sure I'll be back here to complain about how terrible it was! I can't wait!
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    JUST KEEP GOING! you're doing great! as long as you keep moving!!!
  • dangerousdumpling
    dangerousdumpling Posts: 1,109 Member
    I started yesterday and was also surprised by how beat I felt after. I sure doesn't look as hard as it is.
    If you feel like you've reached exhaustion from certain moves you could lower your weight for the second set or both sets.
    You could also do modified jumping jacks or march in place instead of the butt kicks.
    I have to do modified push ups at this point to do all of them.
  • janestoaster
    janestoaster Posts: 7 Member

    Just finished day 9 level one, so far fro what I can say is it does seem to kill until the fourth or fifth day, then all of a sudden I found I was doing all of the exercises the whole way through (those side lunges kill me though). Another thing, for me at least, is taking a rest day, I had one after the fifth day and the next time I did it I could work through the dvd so much better and harder. Tomorrow is my last day on level one then a rest day and then onto level two. I would say I'll post about it but am fully expecting not to be able to move! Keep it up guys, we can so do this.
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    just completed day 6, no rest days so far, and it hasn't gotten any easier for me, I struggle in all the same places, but I keep pushing, it wont hold me down, not even jillian can do it, lol
  • MariG25
    MariG25 Posts: 89 Member
    Congrats! You're doing a great job by sticking with it. I started today and I hate side lunges with front raises lol. Well can't wait to se your end progress!! Stay strong and focus =)
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    day 7 done for me, started using 5 lb weights, I was using 2lb and felt I was cheating, but 5 is definitely enough for the first squat exercise with the shoulder press and for the side lunge thing, my shoulders be dead,
    only thing giving me major problems now is static lunge since I tend to loose my balance all the time, probably just my legs quitting on me though, lol
    that and the jump rope because it does damage to my quads
  • MariG25
    MariG25 Posts: 89 Member
    Hang in there, i use to use 10 lbs a while back lol and it was tough! But now I'm using 5 lbs, i feel like I'm cheating my self but some exercise were a little to hard for me to do. She still kicks my butt lol.
  • MrsTeddy
    MrsTeddy Posts: 1 Member
    It's day 3 for me and better than yesterday. (I struggled to go up stairs after those lunges!) I'm glad to hear how everyone seems to be making little progresses. You all actually help me believe I can do this!
  • HealthierFoodie
    HealthierFoodie Posts: 27 Member
    Just finished day 1- I was a sweaty mess when I finished but I felt so accomplished! Unfortunately having to parallel park my car shortly after doing the exercises proved really difficult- my arms wouldn't cooperate! I'm excited to stick with this though. Have to remember to take measurements tonight!
  • shemyg06
    shemyg06 Posts: 84
    yeah, just finished day 8, and proud of it, although in 3 days I start level 2, I am afraid, but I will survive,
  • reach4thestar
    reach4thestar Posts: 174 Member
    Me at level 2 day 2... Definitely harder..pushing myself....need motivation and bumping here....
  • Nicolette04
    Nicolette04 Posts: 82 Member
    I'm on level 2. I really hate planks! But I can't believe I have made it so far, and I'm not gonna give up!! Keep up the good work!
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Congrats you are doing great! I finished Level 2 Day 4 this morning. You will feel your endurance build up just keep doing it. I would suggest at least 1 day of rest to give your body time to recover.