Exercises that doesn't involve standing?

salemnye Posts: 305 Member
This past Saturday I did a 10k (I do every year for the past 3 years) and I of course am sore from that. I thought a great way to make my sore muscles become less sore would be to go for a brisk light jog since walking and moving them made them less sore.

So this morning I got on the treadmill. I could only do 13 minutes before my left ankle pain became unbearable (I ran at 5mph for 4 of the 13 minutes. Rest was walking at 3.0). The ankle pain just started today when I went on the treadmill.

SOOOOO I do believe I injured myself during this past weekend so I'm curious as to what exercises will give me as good results but will keep me off my feet. I was thinking of swimming since I have a pool at my gym. Any other suggestions?


  • musenchild
    musenchild Posts: 182 Member
    When I had a broken ankle I did a lot of floor work for core and upper body. I was even able to do push-ups on my knees.

    Also, walk with crutches, it's wicked hard...

    Anyway, depending on the severity of your injury, swimming, rowing, and stationary bike might all be okay, but, ya know, talk to a doctor!
  • ClearNotCloudyMind
    ClearNotCloudyMind Posts: 238 Member
    Cycling! Sit ups. All those weights at the gym. That's my ideas exhausted.
  • salemnye
    salemnye Posts: 305 Member
    Thanks! My injury isn't too bad, it just hurts to put a lot of weight on it. Like I can stand about 3-5 seconds on the leg before it hurts too much.

    I will definitely cycle, and I never thought of floor core exercises, thanks again!
  • fitnh
    fitnh Posts: 238 Member
  • MaydayParadeGirl
    MaydayParadeGirl Posts: 190 Member
    I know you said it hurts but you should still try and get up and moving on it especially if it's not broken. I dislocated the growth plate in my ankle when I was about ten and now that ankle has been hurting like you would not believe, and when I called the doctor they said that it would be fine to keep walking on it until my insurance kicks in as long as I'm not pushing myself to hurt it again. I guess they think it could be arthritis..

    As for work outs you should try sit ups, crunches, butterfly kicks (scissor kicks) Push ups are a big one, or lifting some light weights, you can do that from a seated position if you need to. Not to mention there are some work outs that you do standing that you can do sitting down. I would google some of them, there should be some kind of list somewehre, and then if you aren't sure how to do it youtube will have an example of how to do it.
  • SutapaMukherji
    SutapaMukherji Posts: 244 Member
    Swimming and weights
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Depending on how much force your ankle can bear, you might try a rowing machine. Swimming, though, would be better, since it wouldn't have any weight. You can also run in the water, if the pool you use has a section for non-swimmers (e.g., water aerobics)--it's surprisingly hard and gives you a good workout.