Craving Sweets and Soda



  • kellyjellybellyjelly
    kellyjellybellyjelly Posts: 9,480 Member
    Hi everyone,

    So about two weeks ago I reached 70kg milestone. I decided to celebrate it by allowing myself to eat anything in the period of two weeks, before continuing my diet and reach my final goal of 65kg. By anything, I mean that I didn't care whether it's junk food or not as long as my daily intake was slightly below my maintenance calories. I must admit that there were dark days where I do not consume vegetables nor fruits at all. So now that two weeks have passed, I want to start eating healthy again but I'm having quite a hard time since I got hungry really quick and I'm assuming that this is because I've been eating a lot of sweets and drinking soda. I tried stopping it but I'm in the middle of exam week. I'm having a hard time concentrating during my study without the accompany of some sweets and soda. I know I should stop consuming these products but I can't help myself.

    My question is, what's the best way to ease your way back to your diet routine and stop this craving of sweets? Or maybe someone can suggest me some sweets that will not harm your diet and leave you feeling guilty afterwards? I know fruits and yogurts are probably best. But I'm kinda bored with that option and would like some variety.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!

    Maybe look at this as a lifestyle change & not a diet?

    You can still eat your favorite sweet treats be it chocolate, ice cream, cheesecake, etc. but try to practice moderation & even if you do mess up you can always try harder the next day.
  • Meganthedogmom
    Meganthedogmom Posts: 1,639 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    misskarne wrote: »
    Diet coke. Minimal calories, not sickeningly sweet (I still don't understand how people drink full-strength Coke), fills my tummy, and tastes delicious.

    No, no, no. Coke Zero is much better! :wink:

    Coke zero, or cherry coke zero!
    THINJESSIE Posts: 23 Member
    I have a sweet tooth too. Generally, I crave something sweet at night before bed. There are times that I literally cannot fall asleep until I have had something sweet to eat! I have tried having a piece of fruit but that is not the kind of sweet that my body wants. Prior to getting serious with trying to get into shape, I loved eating watermelon with sugar on it. Another issue that I have is that I just do not eat during the day. I have a job that keeps me very busy all day long and rather than eat what I can find in a convenient store I've just gotten into the habit of not eating until I get home. In my effort to get my metabolism back into check I have been trying to at least snack during the day. I was at a convenient store that has a fresh fruit bar the other day and I picked up a half a pint of cut up watermelon. Of course I did not have time to actually eat it! I ended up eating it before bed with some Truvia on it. It met my craving for sweets and I slept just fine. Now to just find time to get to the grocery store...
  • Cortneyrenee04
    Cortneyrenee04 Posts: 1,117 Member
    Kambucha cured my soda cravings!