


  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    janann65 wrote: »
    We have a pug (who owns the house and just lets us live there :smile: ) and a German short-haired hound that we rescued from a shelter who thinks he is a lap dog.

    And don't we all know that feeling??????
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    I have a car and 3 bicycles in my possession right now. Does that count?
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    I share residence with a mutt, a jack russell, 2 arabian horses, and 2 barn cats.

    I like that household,,,,can I come and stay,,,,,?????
  • jenniferinfl
    jenniferinfl Posts: 456 Member
    I had around 40 tarantulas.. Loved those little guys! But we moved several years ago and our new neighbor is an older gentleman who sprays pesticide nearly constantly out of a backpack sprayer. Anyhow, tried our best to prevent contamination, but, lost one after another to the dumb neighbors frequent poisoning.

    At the moment, we have 5 cats, 2 spend most of their time in our sunroom (don't like the kid) and were intentionally acquired and the other three are semi-ferals we had spayed/neutered and feed. My husband can pick them up, but, I can only pet two of them if I move slowly and the third one is a disappearing ghost for me.. lol I think they blame me for their neuters. They live outdoors, but for severe weather I'll grab the two I can grab and bring them in.
    We have three 12 year old dogs. Adopted them back when we weren't planning on having kids and three dogs seemed like a great idea. I love them and I'll miss them when they're gone, but I'm also horrible enough to be a bit relieved that they are nearing the end of their expected lifespans. Three dogs, two housecats and a kid is a bit much, sadly enough. I also have a pet tortoise, but, we live in Florida which makes him a pretty easy pet. He has the run of the sunroom and he and the cats have grown up together. I have an outdoor pen for him where he can graze for awhile in the afternoon.

    We have a gerbil as well, he's another easy awesome pet. We got him because the dog my daughter loves the best was pretty sick a few months ago and we thought she would need to be put down. So, we were hoping the new gerbil would distract her. BUT, wouldn't you know, the old girl rallied and she's doing okay again. Just watch her outlive the gerbil.. lol

    I do want to get tarantulas again. No one else on our street sprays pesticide all the time. Have to figure all the pesticide has to have shortened old neighbor's lifespan somewhat. Whenever he isn't around to spray anymore I'll get more of the little guys. Not that I'm wishing an early demise on him or anything, other than his obsessive pesticide usage he's an alright guy.
  • mymax11
    mymax11 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi this is my second day on so I got all excited when I saw this post because my guy is my user name: Max .. I just love this little guy!! He's a zuchon gbchf47nd0g2.jpg
  • Newbody72
    Newbody72 Posts: 30 Member
    4 year old American Bully name Tank
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    I have a car and 3 bicycles in my possession right now. Does that count?

    Do you cuddle them? Do they talk back to you?
    Please be careful how you answer,,,,,,,!!!!
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    mymax11 wrote: »
    Hi this is my second day on so I got all excited when I saw this post because my guy is my user name: Max .. I just love this little guy!! He's a zuchon gbchf47nd0g2.jpg

    And he a beauty!!!!
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    I had around 40 tarantulas.. Loved those little guys! But we moved several years ago and our new neighbor is an older gentleman who sprays pesticide nearly constantly out of a backpack sprayer. Anyhow, tried our best to prevent contamination, but, lost one after another to the dumb neighbors frequent poisoning.

    At the moment, we have 5 cats, 2 spend most of their time in our sunroom (don't like the kid) and were intentionally acquired and the other three are semi-ferals we had spayed/neutered and feed. My husband can pick them up, but, I can only pet two of them if I move slowly and the third one is a disappearing ghost for me.. lol I think they blame me for their neuters. They live outdoors, but for severe weather I'll grab the two I can grab and bring them in.
    We have three 12 year old dogs. Adopted them back when we weren't planning on having kids and three dogs seemed like a great idea. I love them and I'll miss them when they're gone, but I'm also horrible enough to be a bit relieved that they are nearing the end of their expected lifespans. Three dogs, two housecats and a kid is a bit much, sadly enough. I also have a pet tortoise, but, we live in Florida which makes him a pretty easy pet. He has the run of the sunroom and he and the cats have grown up together. I have an outdoor pen for him where he can graze for awhile in the afternoon.

    We have a gerbil as well, he's another easy awesome pet. We got him because the dog my daughter loves the best was pretty sick a few months ago and we thought she would need to be put down. So, we were hoping the new gerbil would distract her. BUT, wouldn't you know, the old girl rallied and she's doing okay again. Just watch her outlive the gerbil.. lol

    I do want to get tarantulas again. No one else on our street sprays pesticide all the time. Have to figure all the pesticide has to have shortened old neighbor's lifespan somewhat. Whenever he isn't around to spray anymore I'll get more of the little guys. Not that I'm wishing an early demise on him or anything, other than his obsessive pesticide usage he's an alright guy.

    I adore your pet household!!!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    edited April 2015
    dufus12 wrote: »
    Ah, wizzybeth...know exactly where you are coming from! My previous dog was a yellow lab.......hard act to follow,
    She is gorgeous, btw, and she has a great stance.

    Thank you! :)<3 Yup. She is probably the best family dog ever - my previous dogs were more "one person" dogs - Trixie is mine but she loves everyone. Labs rule! LOL

  • katnroyal87
    katnroyal87 Posts: 8,789 Member
    I have a 7 year old lab beagle mix who dances with me in the kitchen!! omk7iv1d62qh.jpg
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    socalkay wrote: »

    That's a handsome looking dog. Love those pricked ears!
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    dufus12 wrote: »
    Ah, wizzybeth...know exactly where you are coming from! My previous dog was a yellow lab.......hard act to follow,
    She is gorgeous, btw, and she has a great stance.

    Thank you! :)<3 Yup. She is probably the best family dog ever - my previous dogs were more "one person" dogs - Trixie is mine but she loves everyone. Labs rule! LOL

    I have to agree, but I am biased,,,,,,I love my labs,,,,,,,,
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    I have a 7 year old lab beagle mix who dances with me in the kitchen!! omk7iv1d62qh.jpg

    And another example of a beauty,,,,,,
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    I have a 7 year old lab beagle mix who dances with me in the kitchen!! omk7iv1d62qh.jpg

  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    socalkay wrote: »

    Beautiful - looks very alert and especially brilliant!
  • wizzybeth
    wizzybeth Posts: 3,578 Member
    mymax11 wrote: »
    Hi this is my second day on so I got all excited when I saw this post because my guy is my user name: Max .. I just love this little guy!! He's a zuchon gbchf47nd0g2.jpg

    What is a zuchon? I'm assuming it's Bichon mixed with...?
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    OMG, cat on the right looks like my late cat - he was half Tonkinese,,,,,,

    I adore cats,,,,,,
  • ChristopherHoward686
    ChristopherHoward686 Posts: 107 Member
    edited April 2015
    They are tired! Chased each other around the house for a hour and are now passed out! Hanging out on the recliner with me.