Just reached goal

Hi! I'm new to MFP, and joined mostly so I can maintain. So far I'm loving it. I still keep me hard copy/paper food journal, but I'm hoping to transition slowly up from my losing caloric range (1,000-1,200) to a maintenance range (currently at 1,260, plan to go to 1,300 in May, guessing/hoping I'll maintain somewhere in the 1500s).

I'm 44 and 5'4" tall, and this is only the second time in my adult life that I've reached my goal (started at 210 as my all-time high, currently 126 as of my last weigh-in, goal range is 125-135).

Getting to goal – and knowing I'm at goal – is a strange feeling. The first time I reached this weight (about eight years ago), I thought I needed to lose more (I was 123 and set a new goal of 120, but never got there – I never really felt I was at goal because I kept moving the goal posts). This time I'm determined to not chase after some unattainable goal, but to learn to love the skin I'm in. It's challenging...I still feel overweight, if that makes sense.

Looking forward to the next step of this journey, and making friends along the way!



  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Congrats! You have the same goal range as I do!! welcome to the next stage of your fitness journey!