Higher HR walking than doing stationarybike is this correct

So my average heart rate on a 1 hour walk covering 3.5 miles pushing my double stroller with a few hills factored in wa 150BPM which is 50% of my maximum
On the stationary bike I'm getting an average of 138BPM no matter how many hills i factor in or differant speeds i cant seem to get my heart rate going. Ive checks my pulse manually aswell as with the monitor the highest I can go is 140 and thats on highest resistance going flat out at 30mph lol
Why is this is it normal or am i doing something wrong as I'm assuming if the figures are right I'm getting a better burn front he walking than slaving away on the bike

Thanks for any help/opinions


  • mreeves261
    mreeves261 Posts: 728 Member
    I think it's just normal. I am no expert by any means. My best GUESS would be you are using more muscle groups walking and pushing a stroller than you are cycling.

    My heart rate reacts the same way. I may average 158 walking/running but cycling at a pretty furious pace only keeps me around an average of 138.