New to this

Hey everyone,

My name is Megan and I'm 25. I've been obese for pretty much my whole life. When I moved out on my own last month, I decided that this was a great time to learn how to eat better and lose weight. I just started doing this in earnest this week. I'm kind of doing a mish mash of things to jump start weight loss. I've never eaten breakfast or lunch, so I've started doing slim fast for those meals, just to get used to having intake at those times. I've done things like substitute turkey for beef, making sure half of my dinner is vegetables, etc. With doing this, I lost 8 pounds in the first couple of days. I want to be an active member in the discussion boards, because I think it will help my motivation. Does anyone have any tips for me?

Thanks for reading and I look forward to meeting and talking with everyone!