Weight going up whilst exercising.

Who else has noticed their weight increasing since exercising?
How long does it take for your body to start losing weight whilst exercising? Feeling disheartened.


  • Sutnak
    Sutnak Posts: 227 Member
    Any new activity will come with some temporary water retention

    Did you also increase the amount of food you're eating?
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    Yes, I’m quoting myself on this one....
    Water retention.

    This is why weight is such a horrible data point. Measure your body (neck, chest, stomach, waist, hips, upper arms, upper legs) and take pictures. That is a much better set of data to see progress on fat loss.
  • kmab1985
    kmab1985 Posts: 295 Member
    I too used to feel disheartened when I joined the gym after xmas,since Jan I have fluctuated between 11st 9 and 11st 7 but have lost 10inches from bust,hips and waist,the most coming from my hips! This weight fluctuatiin worried me because I had my first wedding dress fitting in April having ordered it in Nov and I had the size smaller ordered but because the scales werent moving I was so nervous come April but it fitted like a glove :-) x
  • spk1982
    spk1982 Posts: 19 Member
    I am facing the same problem!
    I am a new mom, my baby is 2 months old and i need to get back into my pre pregnancy weight, i work out and do jillian michaels and fitness blender workouts and love the endorphins! I use MFP to stay below 1800 cals, can't go too low on cals as I'm breastfeeding. I eat very clean.
    Still I haven't lost any weight since the last month. I lost 4 kg when i started this journey but now the scales just dont move!